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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8868635 [View]
File: 168 KB, 665x904, Settled Science2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first link you posted does not support your position that
>predictions were 'the ice caps will melt and we'll all be wearing swim fins'
>The second link you posted is Dr Lindzen ... sigh. You should become better informed of your sources

Attack of the Soros shill!!!

Prof. Lindzen, former MIT professor and the best Atmospheric Physicist in the world was "debunked" by Soros funded ThinkProgress. Yup, they all have Ph.D.s in Atmospheric Physics at thinkprogress. As does AriannaHuffinigton.

Why is it that no matter how many time Climate PseudoScience is debunked, you feel the need to shill?

>> No.8238004 [View]
File: 168 KB, 665x904, Settled Science2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've post that exact same graph so many times, and it's been pulled apart so many times, that it's not even funny anymore.
READ THE EVIL DENIERS: https://climateaudit.org/2016/04/19/gavin-schmidt-and-reference-period-trickery/

> I said "its been pulled apart" and anyone who doubts that is an evil denier.
>I hate seeing our failed pseudo-science held up for ridicule!
Because its still correct and shows the utter failure of AGW.

>Also, are you seriously citing WUPWT now? I mean it's a step up from fucking Youtube, but still.
> Ad hominem doesn't work here.
> Warmist calculus: If denier then false, therefore climate change is true!
You remind me of fundamentalists who argue, "Christianity is true because the Bible says so. And Bible deniers are of the devil!"

>Accusing people of being naive doesn't make your pet conspiricy theory more compelling.
> I reiterate any scientific theory that is believed by many scientists can only be false if there's a conspiracy. That's how science works.
You know the word "guillible" was removed from the dictionary?

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