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>> No.10482582 [View]
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It's not hard to understand at all. A handful of literally evil (psychopathic) billionaires pull the strings. They say "jump", and their bought politicians ask "how high?". Through their control over the media, they brainwash people with capitalist and imperialist propaganda to justify endless war and increasing exploitation. Most people in the richest country in the world are living paycheck to paycheck, yet they tolerate it because they are brainwashed with the notion that "maybe I'll be rich myself someday". Billions of people in the "third world" live lives of utter misery and hopelessness, with no hope of anything getting better, as the billionaire parasites continue amassing ever greater sums of capital.

The only solution is the liquidation of this parasitic caste, and the liberation of all of humanity. This can only be accomplished through planetary-scale armed proletarian revolution.

I'm a STEM major and it's fucking depressing how little most STEM majors know about history, philosophy, economics, political theory, etc.

Without grasping Marxist theory on a very deep level and without having a deeper purpose behind studying STEM other than impressing mom and dad, it's impossible to be a decent scientist.

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