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>> No.8098162 [View]
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At this point, you can argue what will is and about sentience and stuff. But, even at a lower point, atoms,didn't had will, they're just a bunch of ball colliding or coalesing in an infinite sea of chaos. Yet life emerged, not from someone trying to make it, but from spontaneous chemical reactions. That an inanimated collection of lypids, amines and proteins came to be a self replicant organism
had no purpose by it self, it was something that just came to be, shit happened; and then more shit happened, and then came sexual reproducction and then some real shit happened. And then even more shit happened.
As you and me speak, and probably one or two animals know, more developed brains can abstract things and categorize stuff. You and i Know what a Problem is and what a Solution is, but it's a level of abstarction that atoms didn't have. Atoms do not want to produce life (or not more than rocks and stars, as far as i know).

From that, the birth of life as we k now it, had no purpose, and as that, eating food and replicating had no purpose as well, shit just happened. We tend to think stuff as a problem/solution thing, but that requires someone to understand that.
Life has no purpose, just is. So enjoy it, and try to erradicate those people who says it has, because they tend very easily to point out that purpose in life is to serve them well, even if they mask it pretty well . Better get your own satisfaction.

>Is time infinite?
So say the numbers, by now.

>Do humans have free will?
As much as Brain, hormones and society leaves them

>Why is there something rather than nothing?
Just because. Is this so terrible idea?

What cripples my mind now is this: what was before time? I mean,assuming time started with big bang, how did all this matter packed in a head pin appeared there in the first place. Damn questions.

This was supposed to be a quick response.

>> No.8050066 [View]
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