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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8989480 [View]
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>infinite multiverse is real
>time travel is real via moving between universes
>because of infinite number of universes there is also infinite number of universes where time travel ildoesnt work
>we're in one where it doesn't work

>> No.8955057 [View]
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>Now why do you believe so?

Because its the current-year United States.

>> No.8698774 [View]
File: 842 KB, 350x260, arnold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laws of the universe change so that water freezes and boils at one degree higher.

How different is our reality?

>> No.8542766 [View]
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>heh...when am I ever gonna need to use Calculus in real life?

>> No.8453238 [View]
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What happens when you put two phones on speaker next to each other and make a call?

>> No.8298617 [View]
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at last i truly see

>> No.7916536 [View]
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/sci/ i need to know exactly why men are attracted to females

i mean if i encounter a female ill be attracted to her obviously but when i think about the why, i cant pinpoint it

pheromones? fair enough
soft? dudes can be soft too
warm? dudes too

I dont know help me what the heck google is giving me nothing

>> No.7713431 [View]
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>> No.7397668 [View]
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Well one way to look at it is that in your grandparents lifetime they went from riding horses to driving cars and flying planes and landing a man in the moon.

Also, many experts say the ai singularity will happen in about 25 or so years, which depending on how you view it means we'll see a huge leap in every technology when that happens

>> No.7397495 [View]
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Pluto thread

get in here cock-gobblers

>> No.7394973 [View]
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You'll never be able to achieve that dream, anon. Pluto's not a planet :^)

>> No.7375202 [View]
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>/x/ was desecrated years ago and is now in a state beyond saving
>tfw the same faggots that ruined that board are coming here now

>> No.7154410 [View]
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>Alt universe does same shit as us
>They start up Hadron Collider same time as we do
>Their black holes leak into our dimension as ours do to theirs
>These black holes collide when trying to cross dimensions
>Become bigger and absorb both dimensions until they're both gone
>All dead


>Alt dimension has our dreams come true
>The waifu era happens


>We find that they're a dumb species
>Waste of time


>They're smart and friendly
>We exchange info


>They're smarter than us
>They know answer to everything
>We've found answer to life and everything
>No more point in life


>They're brutal
>Kill us or start a dimensional war

>> No.6956271 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 842 KB, 350x260, 1331090682389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern science believes that life on earth was created in a non organic soup that was struck by lightning.

>modern science scorns those who don't believe in your shitty THEORY

>modern science believes this to be fact and the end all to the question of the emergence of life even though the history of these theories are shown to change every fifty years

It's like you all have never read a book before to have the foresight to know that there is an overwhelming chance that your shitty theory isn't correct. The fact that there is no way to prove it to be definite at this time doesn't deter you lemmings makes you all at the same level of creationists.

A whole army of degree waving dunces doesn't prove your incomplete and open ended theory and no matter how much you throw your "education" in your opponents face it will surely not make it complete.

>> No.5861407 [View]
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>> No.5854357 [View]
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>> No.5762233 [View]
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Fuck. Fucking fuck.

I would so voluteer fo a suicide mission to go into space and repair it.

>Get trained as an astronaut for months
>Shitloads of technical training
>The last hope of Keppler
>Get shot out into space a space shuttle for one, packed with shitloads of food, mostly handled either remotely or by AI
>take first and last space walk to the Kepler
>Marvel at the stars as you gently, slowly fix it, broadcasting your mission live. As you end it, NASA, and the world, thanks you for your sacrifice
>Your food stores empty, the Kepler goes about its mission once me
>you climb back into the shuttle, and overdose on sleeping pills and psychedelic drugs, floating off into a final sleep amongst the stars, your space shuttle your tomb as your favorite SPACE music plays in the background
>The shuttle uses its last burst of fuel to propel you on a trajectory into deep space, immortalizing you
>Remembered as one of the greats, alongside Neil Armstrong, for the rest of human civilization

>it will never happen

>> No.5387808 [View]
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>to viruses which are capable of avoiding detection by the immune system
This is no way can possibly go wrong.

>> No.5256872 [View]
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>we look at dead stars and we only see them in supernova phase

so /sci/ educate me on how we are actually looking at the current time/state of an object so distant from us rather than the beginning/death of such object

>> No.5239405 [View]
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fuck everything

>> No.4984149 [View]
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If you excised all the non-regulatory, non-coding, micro satellites from an organisms' genetic material and then cloned it using the nuclear transfer technique, do you think a viable clone could be made?

>> No.4939012 [View]
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>> No.4329959 [View]
File: 842 KB, 350x260, 1326290134687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the winter, I came home to see my family and we were working on a project to build a new shed. Now the shed isn't important, what is important is I am a math major. We hit some simple trigonometric problems, and I converted them to radians because it wasen't anything too complex. However my little brother and I had this exchange...
>Hey why are you doing that thing with the pi thingy instead of just measuring in degrees?

Its better in case I come across something I can use a trig ID with and the values of the angles in radians is easier for me to remember the values that they coincide with their trigonometric values.

>But that's stupid, your making it more complex then it needs to be, degrees are easier for me and dad to understand, so why no-

We are not using degrees because we are not fucking barbarians.

So now that I think about it, while degrees is a easier way to simply convey a angle, why don't we see radians more often then degrees? They seem better adept for solving trigonometric issues...

>> No.3909039 [View]
File: 842 KB, 350x260, arnold, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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