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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5726004 [View]
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you this is America. Its assholes like you that want to take our guns away. Go back to Britain Piers Morgan. Oh wait, that's right they hate you too.

>> No.5652767 [View]
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, American-Patriot.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we know the radius and height of a hamburger, what is its volume?

>> No.4957162 [View]
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its not magic dickweed, its a hypothesis.

iron is abundant and conducts electric and magnetic fields very well.

there are compounds that discharge electrical power when they come in contact with photons.

we are also talking about technology far in advance of ours.

it is not improbable to hypothesize that in addition to terraforming breathable atmosphere, that you could also design a layer of atmosphere with iron based compounds that conduct power from a number of sources.

Sources such as, static electricity from atmospheric winds similar to lightning, or from added compounds that have a photoelectric effect solar energy.

in turn there energy sources would be used to create a magnetic field around the planet, similar to our earths magnetosphere.

this is a hypothesis based roughly on current technology and preservable events.

At the moment our chemistry and technology is not at the level to complete this mission, so instead i am compensating for the advancements that would have to occur for terraformation in any effect to take place in the first place.

now if you would like to scientifically object to any obvious flaws, i implore you to do so.

>> No.4950452 [View]
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oh definitely, well all just begin to starve and kill over after our entire government is dismantled and all corporations die off or take over with in the 4 years Ron paul takes office.

friggin dumbass.

Ron paul is not my libertarian of choice, but he is a good start away from our regular republiherps.

the only thing that will happen is that congress and the senate will actually become a legitimate power that isnt being raped by big business.

Believe it or not the systems we have in place today act as leaches on us, not the other way around, for now.

Government should provide the protection to the people and just a very few other vital services.

An organism with many strong cells that are capable of working independently as a synergistic team with its counterparts any day would be much more of a success than one large amoeba that is incapable of taking care of its own parts on a case by case system. look at your own body, you are built of millions and millions of cells, if you were but one cell, a single virus could take your ass out of the game forever.

btw im talking about state and federal powers.

>> No.4945699 [View]
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Look guys, the thing is in the end if you are not using the resources around you you are wasting energy, period. A car burning fuel and not using the heat is in the end expending more energy than you think. All im saying is that when you are in the upper atmosphere you dont have much to work with, so if you use all possible venues to generate power you will have a better power usage ratio. No there is no such think as something out of nothing to my limited knowledge, but what i do know is there is such thing as efficiency. If you are not routing the power of pressure back into your design while building a device that potentially is supposed to permanently remain in the sky, you are missing out.

will my idea work? Yes, it will keep the craft afloat, and it will modify the altitudes of the craft. Will it route power back into the craft Im sure it will.

after many cycles of the craft rising and falling over and over, eventually the craft will no longer be able to go as high as it can, and it will no longer be able to go as low as it used to, but in the end it will have used the power of pressure more efficiently than trying to slam through it with out giving a damn when you are up there, like we Always do.

If this tech is refined, and combined with other power generating sources you will have a superior craft compared to one that just uses a single source.

now im going to continue to refine this ides because i believe in it, yall are welcome to join me.

That's it, the end. Jesus.

friggin butt holes, i swear sometimes.

>> No.4937885 [View]
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