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>> No.11629496 [View]
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>60 deaths per million
That was April 9th. We're over 200 per million now.
And what you pro-virus assholes keep forgetting is: these are the numbers _with_mitigation.
If you had your way, the numbers would be much higher.

And let's not forget, we wouldn't have to decide between a million dead vs tanking the economy if your orange master hadn't dropped the ball so badly that we've already got 5x the world average death rate, even not counting China.
Opening up even sooner than Trump's own guidelines is a sure-fire recipe for disaster and even longer lockdowns.

>> No.11310171 [View]
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>that goes against evolution you mongoloid
If I'm wrong, then why DO environmental factors affect sperm?

>your body will not fight against carrying on your genetics
Sure it will, and should.
Evolution isn't about whats good for every individual's own personal genes.
It's all about what's good for the _species_.
Environmental factors DO affect sperm so that less suitable fathers have a smaller chance of passing on their shitty genes.

>> No.11302030 [View]
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>>I'll just call bullshit.
>Saying “nuh-uh” is a pretty solid argument, m8
Do you really think he (you?) checked with Fermilab, researched their claims, and presented a coherent argument against their "maybe" status on 4-17 possible Dyson Spheres based on their locations?

>saying “I have no evidence because it’s too hard to find” doesn’t count as evidence.
I'm not drawing conclusions based on evidence. Just the opposite.

>If it were, ghosts and vampires would be considered real.
Quite the contrary. If people were ill-equipped to detect ghosts and vampires (are they though?), that wouldn't serve as evidence of their existence, now would it?

>so you’re admitting that space empires belong in the realm of fiction now?
You really seem lost here. I'll only say it one more time: we can't tell if the galaxy is teeming with space-empires or not, because we're unable to detect such empires.

Last analogy: Helen Keller can't tell if a flash-bang grenade just went off in her house. That doesn't prove anything one way or the other.
You can't claim flash-bangs aren't going off, and I'm not claiming there are.
The only wrong people are those that claim to draw conclusions based on Helen's lack of evidence.

>> No.11168336 [View]
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>The reason we haven't found intelligent life outside Earth is because WE'VE NEVER GONE ANYWHERE LOOKING FOR LIFE (intelligent or otherwise), aside from our immediate, inhospitable neighbors.

Since we've barely left our own doorstep, we're relying entirely on other life finding us, AND announcing themselves.
Don't forget, Earth has been here for 4.6 billion years, but even if we had a "take me to your leader" style visit as little as a few hundred years ago, we'd remember them as angels, gods or demons, NOT E.T.s.

>> No.10540589 [View]
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>So the continual increase in world population, you posit derives from...sorcery?
People who have babies were born 20-30 years ago.
People who die of old age were born 70-80 years ago.
There aren't enough old people dying to balance the books because there weren't as many people back then.
40-50 years from now there will be a lot more old people dying than today.
This isn't really that hard. So ask yourself: "why AM I such a douche?"

>> No.10246633 [View]
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>Cancer is mostly a by product of faulty DNA replication/repair
"faulty" is a subjective term.
Cancer serves the species, but not the individual.
To that extent, the allegedly "faulty" DNA behavior is actually serving a useful function.
It stands to reason a competing hominid species with less cancer-prone DNA would do poorly competing with a more cancer-prone hominid.

>> No.9929218 [View]
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>>one block had to be put every 2.5 minutes
100 teams each lay one block every 4 hours.

>> No.9921007 [View]
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>, the gastrointestinal system is completely separate
If his body mixes poop and blood on a regular basis, then no, they aren't "completely separate".
Thanks for trying tho, hun.

>> No.9792373 [View]
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I don't have time to read the whole thread, but here's why I think OP is a fag:
Cancer is in your genes because it serves a purpose.
Your genes aren't here to serve YOU they're here to serve the species.
Cancer is a clock that removes the old to make room for the new.
Even if your selective breeding program worked, your new class of humans would not only be more susceptible to heart disease, etc, they'd be genetically inferior to the normies because the old don't have as much tendency to make room for the new.

>> No.9774654 [View]
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>Seems like it goes against nature of our species which is to populate.
You do understand we could maintain high population growth even if only 10% of men were straight, right?
You see, the woman carries the baby, not the man. He can go on and knock up some other woman while the first one is pregnant.

>> No.9463396 [View]
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>"Thinking" is fundamentally the same process as any other physical interaction in nature.
So.... writing a poem is no more complex or involved than a meteor falling to Earth?

The point is: if you can think, then you exist.

>> No.9044569 [View]
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>. Mental illness
>mental illness

Xenophobia IS an actual mental illness.
You might want to get tested.

>> No.9027062 [View]
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>But they won't because they get paid to pop out little bur heads
That's been wrong since the Clinton administration, try to keep up.

>> No.8868337 [View]
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>Democrats are the ones who made this possible
>The history of the constitutional option can be traced to a 1917 opinion by Senator Thomas J. Walsh, (Democrat of Montana) who contended that the U.S. Constitution provided the basis by which a newly commenced Senate could disregard procedural rules established by previous Senates
given further support in 1957 by an advisory opinion written by then-Vice President (and thus President of the Senate) Richard Nixon.
Majority Leader Bill Frist (Republican of Tennessee) threatened its use to end Democratic-led filibusters of judicial nominees submitted by President George W. Bush.
Seems pretty bi-partisan.

>Supreme Court justices aren't the only judges in America like you >implied
Show me on the doll where I implied anything like that.
I mean, even REMOTELY where did I imply that?
> tools created by Democrats
Again, see:

Despite the dramatic name, it's just the notion that the Senate can make it's own parliamentary rules, hardly surprising since they've been making their own rules since the beginning.

Besides, none of this changes the fact that this Anon:
>Democrat obstruction in congress means he doesn't even have his full cabinet yet.
...was 100% wrong. Democrat obstruction is very limited, and isn't the reason Trump hasn't filled his cabinet yet, since MY point was the Dems can't really stop the Republicans from doing whatever they want.

>> No.8375182 [View]
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>one of, if not the most popular porn out there for straight men
[only in your dreams]

I personally think neckbeards tend to like traps, milfs and pre-teens because there's no chance of passing on your fedord-tipping genes.

>> No.8374439 [View]
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>Modern junkfood is literally designed to be addictive.
Oh? What addictive drugs are used?
Nah, you're just stretching the definition of "addictive" to include any self-indulgent behavior.

I suppose you think "meat is murder" and trying to flirt with a woman who isn't into you is "rape".

>> No.8371591 [View]
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>no calculator has that accuracy
I used Google, Yahoo Answers. Wikipedia and calc.exe to come up with the answer.

>> No.8211598 [View]
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>p = np?
First serious answer in thread:
Seems unlikely.

>> No.8195477 [View]
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>the planet is full. We have outgrown our growth-medium.
This is clearly not true.
Nobody's dying because of resource depletion.

>To say that this implies the actual population will decline is not only borderline insane, but also insulting and racist.
Are you off your meds?

>> No.8172351 [View]
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>Have we still not figured out what "it" is?
When grown-ups say "it", they mean sex.
Sorry for the spoiler, Anon.

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