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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5846584 [View]
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A while ago a was reading something about an interpretation of quantum mechanics that says something like this:

The collapsed view of the universe in the perception of an observer creates a velocity field for which particles change from being a probability distribution to definite positions. When particles aren't in this so called velocity field the wave function of that particle interacts with every other particle in an "orgy" of interference.

can someone tell me the name of this interpretation? Apologies for being vague, I'm not proficient in QM, just very interested.

>> No.4860007 [View]
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Hey /sci/
I don't know very much science, but one thing I heard is that you shouldn't take antibiotics for a cough. They have no use and it breeds resistance. Anyway, I had a cough for a couple of weeks, so I went to the doctor. He said that an infection has actually developed above my left lung, and antibiotics would be a good idea in this case.

Is that right? Or am I just being fobbed off?

>> No.4747458 [View]
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Hey /sci/
I just moved town and the water here is flouridated. I've ordered filters but they might be a couple of weeks to arrive. Are there any other good ways of getting the flouride out of water (don't wanna be a zombie lol)


>> No.4610647 [View]
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How useful is a maths degree? I could probably get a masters and maybe even go on to get a doctorate, but I'm not convinced by how useful it is. I've been getting mixed messages, with people saying I should minor in statistics or accounting or economics or something if I want to get a job at the end of it. Is that true?

Oh and no I'm not going to do engineering. Had a look at that, looks way too hands on and practical.

>> No.4565034 [View]
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Being entirely ignorant of all but basic mathematics, which mathematical concepts should I learn in order to gain a better understanding of economics? I'm not looking to understand the advanced intricacies of the subject, but enough to buttress my amateur comprehension of the field and complement my (don't judge) Liberal Arts degree.

>> No.4443883 [View]
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Who wants to help me with my homework?
Solve the equation on the interval 0 < theta <2pi: cos^2(theta)-sin^2(theta)+sin(theta)=0
(answer needs to be exact, so no wolfram)

>> No.4373537 [View]
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Dear /sci/,

Theoretical situation: What would happen if we took a hydrogen bomb 2x as powerful as the Tsar Bomb, put it in a pressurized capsule thing, sent it down 5 miles underwater in the Mariana Trench, and then BOOOOOOM.

What would happen at the ocean surface? Would it create a significant tsunami? How much would the weight of the water suppress the bomb's power?


>> No.4325152 [View]
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Hey /sci/. So there's a program in my country that will send 15 students from any university of the country, in the fields of CompiSci, Math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry, for a semester at one of these universities: 1)Stanford 2)MIT 3)Berkley 4)Princeton 5)UCLA. Everything will be paid except money for food and anything else you might need and you don't decide to which university you want to go, the letter says that it will be decided by a jury and the courses I'm taking. So they send every student an application form which has some questions like 1)where do you see yourself in ten years. 2) what do you think about the future and things like that. After the last question there is an asterisk which says that it would be good to also send the grades off all the classes that you've went. The problem is that I'm an average student, not because I don't get the stuff that they tell us in uni but mostly because of lack of motivation. Do you think that I have a chance? Should I even bother to send the application? As everyone knows these institutions demand some really good grades. Also this won't be a real semester, it will be six month in an university abroad just to see how things work, so any classes that I pass let's say in MIT won't be transfered in my university. What do you think? Do I have a chance?

>> No.4255487 [View]
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When on the INTERNET, are you also taking physical drugs

>> No.4226670 [View]
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How does dopamine/serotonin metabolite levels relate to dopamine/serotonin concentration in the brain?

>> No.3908517 [View]
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How do we know that life isn't just a dream?

>> No.3774112 [View]
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Was math created by humans?

>> No.3467877 [View]
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So... why exactly didn't GN Lewis win a Nobel Prize? Imagine working so hard for your entire life and being so successful and yet never being recognized. People like him make me not want to devote myself to any subject, if someone like them couldn't, what would I do?

>> No.3441380 [View]
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Ok /sci/ I have a serious question about body chemistry and because it's about how the body works rather than health or fitness I'm not asking it on /fit/ or anything like that.

I work at a hotel, and up until about May I did exclusively the 3-11 pm front desk shift. In May I moved to doing three nights a week the overnight audit from 11 pm to 7 am and, frankly, it's played merry hell with my digestive system and I don't know why.

The first night of audit during a week is the toughest because I've had the least sleep before it, usually a four hour nap the previous afternoon on top of four hours of sleep the earlier night and so I take one of those 5 hour energy things around 2 or 3 to get me to daylight hours. Since I started working audit/and taking the five hour energies I have had utterly massive amounts of truly foul smelling gas (like if there was anyone else on this shift with me they would probably accuse me of trying to harm them) as well as having very loose stool. I've looked all over the place but digestive upsets are not listed side effects of 5 hour energy but that also doesn't seem like something they'd advertise.

If it is just the five hour energies that are doing this to me I can cut them and just cope with forcing myself to do things during the tired moments but if it's the sleeping schedule then that is unlikely to change until after I graduate university in the spring and get a different job. Does anyone have any insight without being retarded about it?

>> No.3277378 [View]
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Why hasn't the LHC found anything meaningful yet?

>> No.3196311 [View]
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Soup /sci/

Long story short, I'm a guy in high school who's good at pretty much everything. I've got honours marks in all my courses, I'm in the most advanced courses available, etc.

I just don't know what kind of career path would be best to pursue. My favourite subject in school is probably history. I find politics fascinating. Yet I find physics fascinating as well. I can speak English and French fluently, with some Italian, German, and Dutch.

What kinds of things do you think would be good for me to do? I'm interested in it being intellectually engaging, and also having a descent salary.

>> No.3188810 [View]
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hey doing some homework and trying to remember... what does dotting the first and second derivative of a vector do? and what about crossing them??

im on a school computer so i have no pics to give in return for advice :/

>> No.3121352 [View]
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Is there any validity to the idea that gravity is actually a repulsive force?

Could it be that gravity works like air pressure? For example there are particles that permeate all of space and push in all directions, but are blocked by mass? So if you stand on one side of the earth, you are only being pushed down from one side, since the particles from the other side are blocked by the earth.


>> No.2645031 [View]
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Let's see how smart /sci/ really is.

Every month, a girl gets allowance. Assume last year she had no money, and kept it up to now. Then she spends 1/2 of her money on clothes, then 1/3 of the remaining money on games, and then 1/4 of the remaining money on toys. After she bought all of that, she had $7777 left. Assuming she only gets money by allowance, how much money does she earn every month?

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