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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11788975 [View]
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>Be me, stuck in a school filled with algebrists and algebraic geometers,
>Ask the grad student advisor if there are any classes to broaden my mathematical background
>"I think someone's teaching an algebraic topology course in the spring"
>Turns out there's a graph theory course, normally not into discrete cs shit, but fuck it, I'll take it.
>Semester starts out easy enough, define a graph, learn about the matrix-tree theorem, no problem
>Actually start to enjoy learning about graph theory now, markov chains on graphs are pretty fuckin nice
>One day he introduces something called chip-firing on graphs
>Feels weird, but fuck it, probably building up to something cool
>"Well class, we defined chip firing so that we can study properties of divisor on graphs"
>I must've heard him wrong, cause there's no way he said divisors on graphs
>Suddenly he starts defining divisors and torsors on graphs
>"You see class, chip-firing allows us to prove the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs"
>Ex-fucking-scues me?
>"We can also define Jacobians and theta functions on graphs as well."
>"This will allow us to talk about the Abel-Jacobi map"
>"Using this we can develop the classical Brill-Noether in the contexts of graphs"
>The zoom session starts glitching out, the teacher rapidly loses his hair and glasses materialize onto his face
>Hom functors and derived categories burst from my key board preventing me from exiting out.
>The ghost of Atiyah's credibility stops me from swallowing my tongue, while Fesenko watches and pretends he's doing something
>mfw the zoom session title changes
>mfw I was in a stealth algebraic geometry course this who time

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