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>> No.11107627 [View]
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Those aren't incels though. Those are just normal virgins.

"Incels" nowadays specifically mean losers that blame their own failure and useless lives on everyone else except themselves. It's always the "Jews, SJWs, Niggers, Muslims, Feminists" Or whatever they come up with next to blame. All except for themselves and their own mentality and failures.

4chan provides them with an echo chamber that feeds their delusions and radicalize them into legitimately thinking that somehow there is a massive conspiracy going on and that the universe conspires to keep them a virgin and unhappy. Instead of realizing that their own passivity and inactivity in life has led them to stagnate and rot in their basements.

What do these guys even expect? That some girlfriend will magically materialize out of thin air in their basements or something?

Incels are a legitimate societal problem. It's the view that somehow people are owed personal happiness by the broader society instead of life being a sandbox of doing whatever you want. No one owes you anything and you should live and lead your own life and find your own happiness.

Incels just didn't get the memo and think it's everyone else's fault

>> No.11078900 [View]
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what the fuck is the actual answer to this seriously ive had it

>> No.10888351 [View]
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If we can become tolerant to drugs, ie get our dopamine or other receptors depleted, what if I dosed myself with big amounts of cortisol for a long period of time?
One thing is that I may get some health issues during the process and also possibly go mad, but if I managed to stay somewhat healthy, would I than be unable to become anxious? Obviously, there's the part of stress that is simply about nerves and no hormones, but still the cortisol is the worst part, or isn't it?

>> No.10881769 [View]
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You can get a degree at EVERY AGE and find work at EVERY AGE.

This is the truth. Spend my 20s partying and traveling the world and only started getting my electrical engineering degree in my early 30s.

I had the best grades in my class since I already had all that partying stuff behind me so I could sit down and focus myself on my studies like an adult.

Also don't worry about your career prospects and hiring. Contrary to popular believe here on /sci/ businesses don't give a shit and will hire you as long as your degree has some value. Remember that only 10% of the population has a Bachelors degree in the first place so you'll find work.

I signed my fulltime contract literally the day I graduated. And now I'm thinking of maybe switching careers once again since I'm missing the social aspects. So I might switch to teaching instead. Even though I'm in my mid 30s now I feel absolutely no fear of being unable to do so or not being hired afterwards.

Remember that it's NEVER too late to get your degree and you'll always find work. All the other shit you read online are just memes or politically motivated whining to imply certain administrations made everything bad/worse. Negativity is more popular so you'll only see whining everywhere.

Good luck anon. The only losers are people that think "it's already too late" and give up.

>> No.10831072 [View]
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I only found afterwards while graduating with honors that no one gives a fuck and having connections is a lot more important.

I should have joined a fraternity. Hang out with classmates and on campus after class chilling and laughing with them. Making friends and connections.

I was absolutely retarded and considered them to be "inferior" to me while I focused on my autistic grades by going home arrogantly working on my shit. What a fucking waste of time that was. People didn't give a shit on my resume and old classmates got jobs faster than me through connections and friends.

Almost no one tells you this shit. Why doesn't the college just straight up tell you "It's very important you socialize and hang out with people for your future career"?

Fucking hell I thought "it's not important what you know but who you know" was only applicable to social sciences and things like business. But it's actually true for the hard sciences as well.

Grades,knowledge and skill gets you absolutely nowhere. Sociability, refinement and connections do.

That is the biggest lesson you guys should take away from this thread.

>> No.10651923 [View]
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There isn't an age limit retard. I've worked with a PhD student that was 58 and he was by far one of the smartest people I've ever met.

Life happens and sometimes you can only start a study at a late age for whatever reason. The only way you'll stagnate is if you don't do anything for no reason. But remember it's never too late to start.

I was a NEET between the age of 17-24. I went back to university at 24 graduated at 28 and have been working for a whole year now as an electrical engineer for Airbus.

I live together with my girlfriend that I met in university. I learned Japanese and traveled the world within that period of time as well.

I know the majority of people reading here are 18-25 year old shitheads. Maybe some people in their early 30s. Dudes stop being so fucking insecure and go fix your lives. There's no expiration date as long as you get serious and give it a genuine go.

Good luck.

>> No.10589366 [View]
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I'm not going to make fun of you since you are obviously young and I think you'll learn with age but honestly forget everything you've read on 4chan about "Niggers/Roasties/Normies/Redpill" All that shit is just shitposting and jests but young impressionable kids actually took it seriously. Please realize it's all just memes so you can move on with your life.

Try to find out what you actually like in life. Since you will most likely work in that area for the rest of your life and just picking something for dumb reasons like "They make 10% more salary on average" isn't truly worth it.

I'm a "aeronautics and rocketry" Engineer and I work for a contractor that makes rocket designs for ESA and some military projects. I make "good money" But please throw away any delusions of "$300.000 starting" or any other dumb lies you've heard online. I am working for almost 5 years now but I don't really enjoy the actual work.

I've started to settle with a mortgage, my girlfriend living with me and suddenly money isn't that important anymore. I spend a lot of time away from home and it starts to dawn on me that I will do this forever which isn't something I particularly enjoy. I kinda wish that I would have become a teacher instead which would only pay me about 30-40% of my current income but I would actually interact with people more and feel a lot more satisfying for me. Now with my mortgage and getting used to this income I probably won't be able to switch career anymore.

It's time for you to find yourself. You probably think you know who you are, but really you absolutely don't. Try to have as much experiences in life. Say yes to every social experience that comes on your path. Go on holidays. If you have to choose between partying some more or finishing your study a little bit faster, please for the love of god pick the social option. My biggest regrets are not partying more during my 20s and being very serious and career oriented at that time.

>> No.10566134 [View]
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0 is needed to have a proper counting system.

In EVERY number base system you have a "turning point" where you put 2 digits next to each other to flip it to a higher number.

This is ALWAYS "10".

In Binary (Base 2):

In Hex (Base 16):

As you can see the highest number of its own base will ALWAYS have 2 digits. The lowest number of their own counting system (1) and a digit indicating "nothing" so that you know there are 2 digits and the "1" has a higher significance. Which is why 0 is used and you have 10 in ALL the switches no matter the base.

This is the true reason we use "0". Because otherwise it'd be impossible to have this switching point and instead you'd have to use new symbols for this switch point such as X being 10 in Roman numerals. The arabs using 0 was such an important invention because it lets you organize your digits far more efficiently as you can simply shift from your highest digit (9 in dec, F in hex, 1 in binary) to 10 which is the lowest possible digit 1 and a 0 to indicate the next order of magnitude.

I hope you understand the fundamentals of 0 better now and why it's used. All other uses of 0 are just artifacts of this system and wasn't their original intended usage which is why you can't divide by 0.

>> No.10529914 [View]
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Living on planets is a meme. Humanity puts so much energy into getting stuff out of a gravity well, why would you ever want to return to it?

Advanced species don't live on planets, instead they deconstruct all the planets for raw materials and build artificial habitats or a dyson swarm, most likely both at the same time.

Remember that we only live on the surface of planet Earth. The surface area could be 100,000x as big if we used the Earth's mass to build artificial habitats. It just doesn't make sense to live on planets. Humanity is NEVER going to colonize another planet. Instead we'll slowly transition towards space habitats of which the international space station is an example.

You guys were whining "why waste money on the ISS go to Mars for fucks sake" not knowing that NASA actually made the right decision and ignoring red herrings like Mars to instead focus on what's really important: Learning how humans can live in artificial habitats since that is our long-term future.

>> No.10509554 [View]
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Let's say it's the year 2519 and you want to meet with some old friend so. you send him a message saying you want to rendezvous your spaceships together at X,Y,Z coordinates in space (the three dimensions). Then when you arrive there you notice he isn't there.

Why is this so? Because you actually need to give 4 coordinates, X,Y,Z and also TIME to meet someone this is why time is an actual dimension. There is also the fact that acceleration and gravitation warps time just like it warps spatial space highly suggesting time is a dimension.

The next question is "What causes time to always move forward which isn't the case with the other 3 dimensions?"

Well we know the answer to that as well. The arrow of time is always moving forwards because entropy must always increase within a system.

Between t=1 and t=2 the only real difference in the universe has been that entropy has increased in t=2 which always forces the universe to go forwards in time.

>> No.10482629 [View]
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Humans are a hybrid race of different homo species. The proportion of these species decide what race you are

Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalis
>East Asians
Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalis + Homo Denisovan
>South East Asians
Homo Sapiens + Denisovan + Erectus
Pure Homo Sapiens
>Native Americans
Homo Sapiens + Denisovan
These are the most genetically diverse 80% of Homo genes are in Africans while the rest of the human species only share the other 20% unique homo genes. We aren't sure but we expect at least 8 additional homo species to be mixed within different African populations. The genetic difference between 2 africans is higher than between every other 2 humans. We know that at least one of them is homo habilis.

So to answer your question is the "out of Africa" overturned. The answer is both Yes and No. Homo Sapiens which is a homo species that is present in all modern humans did originate in Africa. But the other homo species with which we're hybrids (except aboriginals) didn't originate in Africa. Neanderthals were European. Denisovan were asian. And these also gave these races their specific features. Denisovans had very flat faces with flat wide noses as seen in all asian races. Neanderthals had light colored hair, eyes and white skin as seen in Caucasians and (less so) in East Asians

If you want to know how your ancestor looked like on the homo sapiens side look at aboriginals in Australia as they are the closest to the ancestors that raped your neanderthal ancestors to create the modern you.

>> No.10480749 [View]
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Aviation Engineer here.

What Boeing did with the 737MAX was incredibly retarded. They wanted to save costs by copying the Boeing 737 hydraulics design but still use a partial Fly-By-Wire system for only the spoilers.

This is bad engineering and purely a cost cutting measure, however if it was only this and nothing else then it wouldn't really matter, however Boeing was even more retarded by doing the following.

To counteract the hydraulics controls and Fly-By-Wire controls having different inputs they installed a specific sensor that would measure the force on the hydraulics and then translate it into the force the Fly-By-Wire system should accommodate to the spoilers in relation to the hydraulics of the rest of the controls.

This is overly convoluted, but whatever this wouldn't really be a problem either if you were willing to train your pilots based on this change in the system.

But then Boeing put the final nail in the coffin. They didn't train the pilots for this new implementation that has a DIRECT impact on how the plane controls because they could cut training costs this way and just hoped that the impact would be minimal.

What happened is that the pilots pulled the steering wheel like in a normal 737 expecting a similar effect. But instead the sensor over-accommodated like designed and pulled way harder through this shitty hybrid hydraulics/fly-by-wire control system.

So now the plane has a too high Angle Of Attack causing the wings to stop generating lift and the plane falls like a brick out of the sky.

In an Airbus plane the computer would have intervened and restricted the Pilot's ability to increase the Angle Of Attack that much. But Boeing has a philosophy of always letting the pilot overrule the computer which is something almost no Aviation Engineer actually agrees with and is only done to please pilots.

Ask any questions you might have about this plane or any other.

>> No.10433945 [View]
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I'm in my mid 30s and I feel smarter than ever. When I was in my late teens to early 20s it took me about 5 years to have a firm grip on the English language. Sure I could understand and speak English but my comprehension was not perfect. Now I speak English at a native level which took me about 1-2 hours a day for 5 years to truly master.

When I was in my early 30s I picked up Japanese and it only took me 2 years to master the language despite me being older and the language having 3 separate scripts to master. I now speak fluent Japanese and can read and write fluently as well. It could very well be that language learning itself is a skill that got better but I had similar success with mathematics which while being in the top 10% of my university in my 20s I still had some struggles with from time to time. Now I just pump out the math necessary for whatever hypothetical situation I come up with.

What I think actually happens though is that people in their 20s stop being intellectually engaged after graduation. But if you keep stimulating yourself by picking up new intellectual skills and perpetually learning new languages etc you will keep improving. I have personally noticed how language learning has made me better at noticing trends in mathematics as well so there IS some correlation between the two. I speak 8 languages now 3 of which I learned before reaching the age of 25 and the following 5 being learned before 35. I feel like I spend significantly less effort on acquiring fluency level comprehension with new languages now than in my early 20s.

>> No.10427635 [View]
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In very ancient societies such as the Sumerians, Egyptians and Phoenicians mathematicians were usually highly cherished and considered to be a sort of religious priest that were very high status just below the ruler.

They were usually the "engineers" of such mega projects such as the sumerian obelisks which were used to calculate the circumference and shape of the Earth. Or the Pyramids etc.

If you go a bit further in time towards the roman time they actually had specialists that concerned themselves with building contraptions using a mixture of mathematics, schematics and naturalis which was something akin to physics but didn't have standardized units like newton for forces yet but did emphazise how much imaginary "stress" would be put on which parts and which direction even though they didn't specifically calculate it precisely it was enough for concrete buildings, domes, trebuchet etc.

In the middle ages you'd have "learned men" which were specialized in canonry and/or metalurgy which would have a guild and would travel to other kingdoms to find writings on the subject which they would gather in private libraries and experiment to find the perfect alloy for weapons and the like. But in doing so they learned about basic steelwork and pre-newton models for the physics in iron and steel beams to be the fundament for extra strong castles and strongholds.

After Newton you actually had modern architects use force with proper physics. Especially Dutch scholars during the Dutch golden age used this to construct windmills and other contraptions with modern day schematics or "patents"

Of course the name "engineer" only originated after the steam engine that kickstarted the industrial revolution came around in the mid 19th century.

>> No.10416351 [View]
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Because the "laws of economics" contain an element of human behavior in them. And we don't even understand the human brain or its decision making process so we can't be certain about the human element within economics.

Since you can't isolate economics completely from human elements we will always have an incomplete idea about the workings of economics until we actually understand humans precisely enough to predict and model individual behavior.

Basically economics has an unknown variable within their formulas making it impossible to make completely accurate predictions.

Doesn't mean economics is useless. Hell I'd say it's even more important because economics can account for and even define decision making processes that are independent of the human mind as is done within Game Theory which could even be applied to AI or Alien behavior.

>> No.10391895 [View]
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I'm going to counter this by saying that is was impossible to fake the moon landing with the technology we had in 1969.

When you have to invent magical technology to explain how an event is FAKE you have lost all credibility and need to face the fact that you are being delusional.


>> No.10380476 [View]
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Skin color changed due to intermixing.

Humanity isn't 1 species. We're a hybrid species and the different races are different hybrids. With the notable exception of aboriginals they are 100% homo sapien.

100% homo sapiens
homo sapiens + homo erectus
homo sapiens + homo denisovans + homo erectus
>East Asians
homo sapiens + homo denisovans + homo neanderthalis
homo sapiens + homo neanderthalis
homo sapiens + homo neanderthalis + homo erectus
>Native Americans
homo sapiens + homo denisovans + homo neanderthalis + homo erectus
We don't know but they have the most genetic variation of all ethnicities pointing towards 7+ different homo species that got intermixed within Africans. Most of which we haven't even found fossils of.

Homo neanderthalis seems to have been the vector of white skin and red hair. Homo denisovans seems to have been the vector of "dwarfinism" that caused east asians to be the smallest people on the planet and asian features such as eye lids and flat facial features.

I personally am a caucasian and have 5.6% neanderthal DNA.

>> No.10356315 [View]
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Unironically drugs. Here's the experience that I've had with introspective drugs in levels

The most lightweight psychoactive drugs I've ever taken. If you take a lot through oral ingestion you can sometimes go into an introspective spiral where you start to go on a thinking adventure. It's not extremely deep but you'll ask questions you don't normally think of and it might effect your perception of time. Doesn't break reality at all. I've done weed about. The most profound experience I had while being baked on weed was having youtube on autoplay and all kinds of movie trailers started playing and I genuinely thought I was watching a single movie for 3 hours and trying to make out the plot of what was happening. ~100 times throughout my life.
This is a "medium" psychoactive drug. It alters the way your brain works in a fundamental way. Making you see illusions and visuals and your thoughts influence your hallucinations. You still have control over your thoughts and can kinda guide the experience but at the downside of this you won't have truly profound insight. This means the drug is more entertaining but less introspective or mind altering. Good as a first step into psychoactive drugs. The most profound experience on LSD was me staring at a wallpaper of a polar bear and seeing it move and then it started having a conversation to me about how I should enjoy life more before it was over like how it will be for him when the North Pole melts due to global warming. I've done LSD about ~10 times


>> No.10251805 [View]
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Low hanging fruit has been harvested already. Now you need a lot of capital to make breakthroughs in the form of hundred of millions of dollars worth of supercomputers or hadron colliders.

The only way a "classical" genius could be born right now is if he was also lucky enough to be born a multi billionaire and have the interest and insight to do experimentations.

So basically the bottleneck for innovation hasn't been mental for the last couple of decades but financial instead severely limiting the chance of someone having both attributes at the same time.

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