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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3684635 [View]
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>> No.2102614 [View]
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Thanks, /sci/, my mind is no longer prodding me with sticks.
Especially you.

That's a good point, but I think that it wouldn't be mitigating enough to prevent the increase of particles from increasing pressure.

>> No.1973809 [View]
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Just learning about the RNA Interference system in Cell Biology. This stuff is great, the cell can be devious as fuck. Having to write an essay on siRNA, thought /sci/ might appreciate this sort of thing, here's a good summary of RNAi-
The small interfering RNAs and their associated Dicer and RNA-induced silencing complex are sneaky, magnificent bastards. Foreign, double stranded RNA, such as that used by a virus or transposable genetic elements, attracts a nuclease containing protein complex known as a Dicer. The Dicer complex then cleaves the double stranded RNA into bits about 23 nucleotide pairs in length, these are the small interfering RNAs, and one strand of the siRNA is then inserted into the RNA-induced silencing complex which then uses the single strand to locate another foreign double stranded RNA molecule. The RNA-induced silencing complex then destroys the foreign double stranded RNA molecule and moves onto another, being able to destroy numerous foreign double stranded RNA molecules in quick succession.

>> No.1947860 [View]
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> creating mutants with radiation and gene - splicing?

because SCIENCE!!!

>> No.1750757 [View]
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Citations ARE needed. I am I perfectly normal human being, so if I DO die early from some disease, then my corpse will be scientific evidence for the effects of polyphasic sleep on human body. Therefore I am helping humanity. Good on me.

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, I have a core sleep of 3h, and 3x20min naps.
Wed, Sun, I have a core sleep of 3h, 1-2 nap(s) straight after predawn-breakfast, and 3x20min naps throughout the day.

Its effectively the polysleeper's sleep-in. You can't extend the core sleep, otherwise you throw your sleeping habits out of whack. I have tested this. Better to have core+wake5min+nap+wake+nap+wake+nap, rather than core++++. Does that make sense?

>> No.1624733 [View]
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Alright /sci/, it's informative pdf time!

link related, it's Einstein's paper on blackbody radiation which explains the quantization of light (photons):


Here's the link to the original paper in German:


>> No.1604025 [View]
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>> No.1505741 [View]
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can anyone here say if its plausible?

>> No.1171153 [View]
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shameful bump

>> No.1076324 [View]
File: 17 KB, 450x450, Science! 6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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