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>> No.10824642 [View]
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With all the testimonies, videos, radar signatures, official statements from pretty much every level of the government and a lot of it coming out very recently. I think it's safe to say the UFO phenomenon is a very real thing. There seems to be very advanced aircraft zipping around our skies and our oceans. What we don't know is the origin of these craft.

Now, where do they come from? Are they of extraterrestrial origin? Inter-dimensional? Some think they may even be humans from the future time-travelling and observing. What if they are our own craft? Is there somehow an elite group of people hiding exotic technology/physics from the rest of the world? How long have they had it? So many questions regarding the UFO phenomenon.

What do you guys think is the exact mechanisms by which they craft get their propulsion and energy. Is it anti-gravity? Maybe it's only gravity reduction or perhaps involves the bending of space-time around the craft? These craft while many come in different shapes and some seem to move differently they all seem to have one thing in common which is that they don't use any of the three methods of lift we know of.
Also, why do so many glow or give off light? By product from it's propulsion/energy source?

I hope we actually get disclosure but if we ever do it will more than likely be a water-downed version.

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