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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11496943 [View]
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Instead of blasting him with math proofs he probably won't get, try attacking the very idea of the conspiracy by asking a single question; Why? Why would the governments of the world go to all this trouble to hide that the earth is flat? I'm all for conspiracy theories, and am more inclined to think the government is up to no good then not, but there has to be a reason as to why. Take for example, project mockingbird. There's a clear reason to spread fake conspiracies in that you now have tin foil hat retards to point at, be they real or fake, and compare your critics to when you get caught doing actually fucked up shit like MKultra and so on. There isn't a reason to fake the earth being round, or at least one that doesn't jump out at me given all the shit that goes into keeping the masquerade going.

Speaking of project mockingbird, I unironically think flat earth is a project mockingbird cconspiracy, it's just too fucking retarded to have any other explanation then glowing ones sitting around in an office shitposting on tax payer dollars

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