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>> No.12361778 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no grand conspiracy
Claiming something doesn't exist requires zero effort and largely depends on the ignorance of your audience to accept it on faith. What do you know about esoteric judaism? Nothing? You don't need to answer it is on obvious. It always amazes me how simple minds completely dismiss the idea of hidden forces at work shaping reality when all the evidence is right in front of them and so obvious and out in the open a child could see it if shown. Do you think christards wouldn't "conquer" the world of they could? What do you think they send missionaries to do? Obviously missionaries aren't out doing it the way the conquistadors used to do it but the end goal is the same. The christards think the end times is when the gospel reaches the four pillars of the earth, this is directly from their scriptures bud. They seek to spread the gospel to "conquer" the world through faith in Christ. The muslims are no different, their scriptures teach they must conquer the world for the global caliphate, again right there in the book for anyone to read. Why do smooth brains think the Jews are any different? Ah because you don't even know what their so called holy books are because they have kept them well hidden for a reason. I have read them have you? Again don't bother answering it is already obvious. What detectives look for to present a case is three things, means, motive and opportunity. Now you can call it a communist conspiracy if you want, the retarded communists call it a capitalist conspiracy funny enough, you can call it the bankers conspiracy if you like but if you actually know what you are talking about because you did the research is these are all the same conspiracy that has the same purpose run the same people. Wanna guess who those people are? Wanna guess their ultimate goal? probably not because you are content acting like you know things and arguing with other people as opposed to actually knowing them.

>> No.12310175 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12290849 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually watched the podcast this thread is about before commenting you would already know US coal plants release zero carbon emissions.

Here is the death strike that kills all climate change fags. If they really wanted to get rid of fossil fuels they have had the technology since at least the Third Reich. The Germans invented UFO's using ancient Vedic knowledge of the esoteric sciences (foo fighters).
Applications Of The Torus – Anti Gravity

This technology is also applicable to free energy, research nitonol memory metal and vortex energy. Hell just jewgle free energy and surf around there are countless ways to get off of fossil fuels if there was the will.


Then research what happened to Tesla and his tech after he died and anyone who tries to reveal these secrets to the public.

Inventor Of ‘Water-Powered Car’ Died Screaming ‘They Poisoned Me’

If they really gave a fuck about carbon and fossil fuels they have had the tech to get rid of it all for at least 100 years. It is just the wolf in sheep's clothing, just as this video is >>12290791

It is the 1000's of years old Jewish plot to enslave the world under communism that is outlined in detail in their own "holy books" and countless other books written by people that know what they are doing, don't be fooled like a donkey. This is how a snare works, you lay the bait and wait for your prey to take it which springs the trap. They will use your emotions and good intentions against you, they are experts at this shit here don't doubt it for a second. I have been coming here a long time trying to show you guys what's going on because I love you little faggots and dont want you to destroy your life and future.

>> No.12210211 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Jews are left wing in their host nation but right wing in Israel. They are all for your kids being trannies and faggots and importing millions of n*ggers into your nation not theirs

>> No.11895184 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11894384 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11865174 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, the jewish plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like jews or muslims?

I recommend reading into the invasion of Spain Cordoba and Sicilian Italy by moors and other muslim pirates. Jews had it all and they chose to throw it away because they wanted Christians of their host nation to worship them as Gods while they enslaved them. The thing is jews have never stopped trying to subvert and destroy any nation that host them no matter how nice their host nation is or how much they try to assimilate them (askenzai and sephardi).
Its Occam Razor, its one religious group in particular.

>> No.11795376 [View]
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though you have a point here, it is a miniscule one. Though it is true the average kike on the street is not the problem, jewry as whole is most certihnaly a problem. The kosher power structure is the greatest threat not only the western world but the entoire world.

Just because there were also white and negro gangs doesn't mean the FBI said "oh well fuck it the mafia isn't all that bad cause other people do bas stuff too".

If you do not address the JQ first and foremost you will; never solve anything else period, full stop. They are the root of all anti-wqhite movements all through history all over the world, again period full stop. If you don't know this then what you think doesn't matter because you don't really know what you are talking about.

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