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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4675495 [View]
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>amateur chemist
>op's face when
best of luck to you

>> No.3578467 [View]
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>implying E=e

I can tell most people that visit /sci/ are 18 or younger and are dilettantes.

>> No.3506783 [DELETED]  [View]
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>mfw you are on /sci/ yet too stupid to realize a collapsed USA in a global economy means you personally will suffer beyond belief

>> No.3486352 [View]
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There is some solid fucking knowledge being departed here.

Energy use by cars pales in comparison to buildings. Want to fix the "energy crisis?" Address the buildings and homes. Germany knows all about this.

>> No.3471201 [DELETED]  [View]
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>mfw when it says enter on 1st floor, not ground.

>> No.3448791 [View]
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deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei

You better listen at 720p. I'm not a huge deadmau5 fan, but fuck me running, this song is probably top 5 all time for me. Absolutely brilliant, glowing, amazing.

>mfw listening

>> No.3238035 [View]
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op confirmed for middle school

>> No.3195982 [View]
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wut r u even talkin about fag (lol)

>> No.2773989 [View]
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transexualism is a mental disease because the patient rejects his or her own biological gender and try to project themselves as the opposite gender, which is nothing more than a psychological cencept to them, as they have no biological ties to that gender

so by this logic it's okay to get off from little children? should adults be allowed to have sex with children because they can't help the way they feel?

you trannies are disgusting freaks. satan has a special circle of hell for you

>> No.2204580 [View]
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Physics major with minor in astrophysics here.
I don't care if I am getting trolled. This is without a doubt one of the dumbest questions I've ever come across. Your physics professor is not accounting for multiplicities, star clusters, various remnants of different age, and stars that have deviated from the main sequence. Our sun is not an example of an average size star. Most stars are K or M spectral type red dwarfs and the sun is a G class. You can't treat the galaxy as a uniform medium with similar mass stars spread evenly throughout. You might as well be using an ideal gas approximation and treating a star as a single molecule. Tell your professor he's a moron.

>> No.2190379 [View]
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>no science bullshit



>> No.2152845 [View]
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Myth: When you're hungry, your stomach rumbles.

Truth:It's not your stomach making the noise, it's actually your small intestine. The small intestine is what's behind your belly button; most of the stomach sits behind the lower ribs.

>> No.2007162 [View]
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I just realized I said "Dear god" in a post dealing with evolution.. I feel quite the fool now.

>> No.1784450 [View]
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>The more rules you have, the more freedom you have too.
>more rules
>more freedom

>> No.1650864 [View]
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Hay guise, the thing the freaks me out the most is that time travel might be possible and if it is it means time travellers, possibly alien time travellers, are observing us right now. Doesn't that feel creepy?

Or possibly they are manipulating events to suit their own outcome, which means we're not really in control of anything.

>> No.1641044 [View]
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At the Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence at Stanford in 1973, scientists predicted robot tutors by 1983, robot judges by 1988, robot psychiatrists by 1990, and robot chauffeurs by 1992.

>> No.1580944 [View]
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>discuss something like what happens at infinity

>> No.1466740 [View]
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>> No.1378946 [View]
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Sure, I'll help you flood 4chan with more spam.

>> No.1145740 [View]
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>formula for prime numbers

>> No.1086910 [View]
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>Gravity travels at C

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