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>> No.14522575 [View]
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All the photos we’ve seen of these other places up close show them to be little more than barren inhospitable wastelands. The photos we have of Venus’s surface are hideous. An entire planet looks like this. What exactly do you look forward to about exploring these places? The only thing to look forward to in my eyes is the possibility of terraforming these sandy barren shitholes into new homes for humanity and making something beautiful from them. There’s not even a wilderness to appreciate here. There’s no natural beauty to be seen. It’s just rocks and void. Any single mountain of Earth destroys the landscapes you will find on these planets. You could pick the most inhospitable, empty bit of desert on Earth and it would still be a thousand times more beautiful and diverse and lively than these empty dead wastes. What do you see that I don’t?

The only thing that intrigues me about these other planets in our system is the possibility of oceans beneath the surface hiding new lifeforms we can’t even imagine. But we won’t have the technology to explore them for likely centuries. So again, what exactly do you see in our current solar system that I don’t? How does real space exploration even remotely compare to sci-fi? It’s just drudge. Our solar system is drudge outside of Earth. Thousands upon thousands of man hours are spent so we can examine rocks. How do you not feel the tedium in it?

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