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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.2990082 [View]
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you fucked up bad

>> No.2977311 [View]
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>Why do people clap when the pilot lands the plane

They don't. Where the fuck are you living?

>> No.2935467 [View]
File: 97 KB, 418x384, da fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind fuck!!!

>> No.2863442 [View]
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>Why does an increase in voltage result in a loss of resistance

WTF? Why are you just making up shit? V=I*R doesn't imply that nonsense. DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO READ A FUCKING BASIC ALGEBRAIC EQUATION?

HOW ARE YOU ARRIVING AT SUCH SHITTY CONCLUSIONS? How old are you? 12? 14? (If so I am sorry)

>> No.2853144 [View]
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The wright brothers were not scientists
They were inventors. It is possible to "invent" shit without being a scientist. Inventors are not the same thing as scientists.

However, the shit you talk about:
Free energy! Time travel! A cure for aging!
Are scientifc discoveries in nature. A regular "inventor" cannot achieve such.

>> No.2838297 [View]
File: 97 KB, 418x384, 1246417593607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god dammit.
This Ken Ring guy made aftershock predictions in New Zealand after the Christchurch earthquake.
Of course they were all wrong, but people still left the town in droves.

It made me very sad :(

>> No.2812656 [View]
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What great debate?

>> No.2746433 [View]
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>> No.2730103 [View]
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I will never, ever forget...

> Talking about cats with tween sister.
> "My friend said that cats don't pee."
> mfw

I don't think her friend was trolling either. I don't know what was more perplexing, the fact that her friend actually OWNED cats or the fact that cats are infamously known for their urine.

>> No.2701649 [View]
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proud to be in the navy?

>> No.2694464 [View]
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>often on abcissa

Why do you assume the abcissa is more fundmental then the ordinate?

You really think that "x" is more fundmental then "y" ? They are just labels dipshit. Just because "x" comes before why in the alphebet, doenst mean that thge "object" x point to is more fundmental then the "object" y points to.

Are you 12? 14?

>> No.2679748 [View]
File: 97 KB, 418x384, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sci/ i've got a slight dilemma here,
I have a SAC for my Biology class and i've gotten the sac early to study and i'm like completely stuck on a question i have no idea how to work it out. =/ Any advice would be awesome.


• To examine the enzyme catalase and its breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.

• To conduct a practical activity which examines the effect of surface area to volume ratio on the reaction rate of the enzyme catalase.

• To design an experiment that tests the effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme catalase.

• Test tubes & Holder
• Spatula
• Forceps
• Bunsen Burner
• Fresh Liver Pieces 1cm3
• Ground Liver
• 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
• Fine Washed Sand
• Beaker
• Ice
• Hot Water
• Thermometer
• Heat Mat


1. Pour hydrogen peroxide to a depth of 2cm into 3 test tubes.
(Be careful when handling hydrogen peroxide as it is corrosive)

2. Label the test tubes A, B, & C.

3. To test tube A, add a spatula of fine sand.

4. To test tube B, add a piece of fresh liver.

5. To test tube C, add a spatula of ground liver.

6. Repeat each reaction 3 times, and calculate an average.

and my question that i have no idea what to do is:
Using the equipment that you have, you must design an experiment similar to the above one that tests the effects of temperature on enzyme reaction rate. You must complete a hypothesis, method and results/observations in the space provided for your experiment

I am just completely blanking out =/ help would be so nice if any.

Picture amazingly unrelated.

>> No.2649514 [View]
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>We chose this realm not by ourselves but by our ancestors.

>> No.2632415 [View]
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hello my dear /sci/ ive got a bit of problem out here can any1 please solve this for me ??

y= 2^x - 2^-x

>> No.2485947 [View]
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You rage you lose.

>> No.2424294 [View]
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I can't even find wiki articles on this nonsense? How fucking obscure is this shit?

You got any articles that don't arise from alien-conspiracy websites?

>> No.2356548 [View]
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>thinks he was insulted

R U new here?

>> No.2326122 [View]
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Theory of what? for what? What would be the purpose of the theory?

You basically are making up bullshit (god). Then trying to thoerize about the bullshit you made up? Why?

>> No.2319319 [View]
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>my face when these kids are more intelligent than the majority of /sci/.


>> No.2309232 [View]
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Highschool algebra problems?

>> No.2275713 [View]
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4chan is not for underage kids

>> No.2236025 [View]
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TEH FUCK??????????????

>> No.2132947 [View]
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mwf www.opisafag.com = /b/

>> No.2129487 [View]
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If I add up all the real numbers from 0 to 3, I will get an infinite value, x.

If I add up all the real numbers from 4 to 5, I will get an infinite value, y.

y = 3 + x

I can prove why it is true, but it still is a mind-fuck!

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