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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6353765 [View]
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fuck you!
do you actually even WANT that new board??
seriously, no1 will use it!

>> No.5885784 [View]
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erm, i'm the one arguing on the side of 'love is real. it's a real emotion and psychological phenomenon.'

it's the other tard who is all: 'love is all made up, lets just disregard decades of psychological research'

>> No.5832223 [View]
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this is my first post in the thread, so you're wrong

>> No.5707732 [View]
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obviously it an be done! it'd be fucking easy
and it HAS been done

>> No.5598016 [DELETED]  [View]
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>You are impossible to argue with.
* i am impossible to BEAT in an argument (because i'm always right)

>In the mean time I'd like to hear some proper responses.
>*in the mean time i'd like to waste /sci/s time with my retardation

no. really. get out

>> No.5535989 [DELETED]  [View]
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pick a bigger one then

>> No.5425351 [View]
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post your own fucking answers then!

>> No.5283700 [View]
File: 157 KB, 401x323, 1350502429420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up hun

>> No.5164469 [DELETED]  [View]
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lern-2-fucking read

>> No.5116846 [DELETED]  [View]
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>3.99483 rounds up to 3.9948.
>rounds up

no...it round DOWN because the next digit is lower than a 5!

fucking retard-o-clock all up in my /sci/
fucking hell!

>> No.4977597 [DELETED]  [View]
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"An assertion that two expressions are equal, expressed by writing the two expressions separated by an equal sign; from which one is to determine a particular quantity."

...so, not just a single expression then


>> No.4961091 [DELETED]  [View]
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i never said proteins are alive, i said 'pertaining to or derived from living organisms'
i even linked you to the fucking definition, you pleb!
dont be such a fucking aspie, you knew exactly what i meant, cunt!

you fucking aspie as well
fuck, alright, organic doesnt mean alive, but it does mean relating to life. i gave teh fucking definition in that first post. i linked to wiktioanry. if you guys are so fucking aspie/retarded that you couldnt grasp the simple meaing, then i fucking pity you!


>> No.4957334 [View]
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oh sorry? is that a link to a post of me admitting im rose? oh sorry, i really dont think it is!
that aint even my post, thats an anon.
and as i fucking said! i never even clicked the link!

>> No.4953735 [DELETED]  [View]
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fuck off 7/7/11-fag
its been more than a year and you're still retarded
get bent.
rose aint me!!

>> No.4953250 [DELETED]  [View]
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thats obviously a photoshop you fucking shithead
you really expect us to believe you got 88 when some people struggle to get 30?

and why the fuck is that a .gif??

>hurr durr, im so fucking smart and fast, except yet obviously im a complete moron who posts image in gif form.

>> No.4941786 [DELETED]  [View]
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which requires energy, making the whole space elevator thing completely pointless!

>> No.4873942 [View]
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>he's just reflecting your hypocrisy.
oh, do explain.

>> No.4869249 [DELETED]  [View]
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hah, oh? reason, really?
well i'd love to see your fucking statistics on that
oh, whats that? you dont have any?
well what a fucking surprise!

>At least find solace in the fact that they're the least likely among us to breed.
heheh, yeh i guess. no women would want those misogynistic dickheads. :)

so, in my example, 51 jelly beans wasnt 'the most' jelly beans?
then where are he most jelly beans? still in the jar?

>> No.4865076 [View]
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eat shit
and if you can explain WITH SCIENCE why any of what ive said is wrong, then i'd love to hear it.

otherwise, keep your fucking prudish outdated opinion to your fucking self!

>> No.4820294 [DELETED]  [View]
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fine, its not relevant to zoology, does that mean im not ALLOWED in the fucking thread??
what do you study then??
optical physics??

yeh, well if not, then stop being a fucking hippocrite!

>> No.4818426 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.4758566 [View]
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i've made lots of friends at college, tard

acronyms are for letters, not for dates, dumass

>> No.4744610 [DELETED]  [View]
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what the fuck is the difference?? a foot is a foot, and you're a fucking freak!

>> No.4736701 [DELETED]  [View]
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you have a better measure of intelligence?

yeh, didnt think so
fuck off

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