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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8258376 [View]
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>Physicists come close

And what the hell are you talking about engineers, man... no one understands you

>> No.8248815 [View]
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>> No.8205138 [View]
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq by gender studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that women can feel smart and intelligent.

>> No.8192458 [View]
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It never feels right, OP. I am the version of you that went, independently of my "computer science" dreams, for Physics. I can write a book why Physics is great, the best, how it contains all others including math, philosophy, yet I figured that simply at the moment you learn something, you have to learn something else. Even when you learn something useful, you feel like a fucking plebeian fixing his toilet stuck to a blue collar labor.

The best explanation I can give you is that this is simply your motivation. At the moment a fool figures "This feels right", he is intellectually dead. Maybe your intelligence is growing a few IQ points, so you are going for Physics, for the big outside, but to be honest you will see you are only attracted to goals and compĺexity. When you learn math, you like doing Problems all day. When you learn Physics, you eventually grab a few quests, be them on Engineering or Fundamental Physics. It is all about goals and complexity, be it game theory, physics, AI, etc. The intellectual life is going back and forth on subjects.

What would I do? Fucking learn Physics(which includes Chemistry)

>> No.8160537 [View]
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>> No.8160341 [View]
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Physics is not that hard to begin with, so it doesn't stop them from making horrible mistakes. Nor is math stopping them.


Take Gary Weber, a physicist: https://www.youtube.com/user/gudakesha7

We don't know if they are confused or plain lying, but they sure look like they believe their amateur bullshit.

The only thing that could stop them simply is raising their intelligence.

>> No.8158357 [View]
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Physics is a serious degree, Physics contains all others, including Math and Philosophy. As a career path it will be a choice between a PhD or a simple bachelor. As a rule of thumb, the specializations should involve computers: computational physics etc. If you are thinking about nuclear physics, you should get a degree wherever there are also people involved in this industry. I do not recommend getting a PhD, or even a Masters. I do recommend a constant and robust daily acquisition of knowledge. All the knowledge you learn should feel like something that you look for on your own free time. I recommend that you do an IQ test, that you even learn how these tests work etc. Considering the median intelligence is stable, if your IQ is under 130, which is already low, Physics is not for you.

>> No.8151909 [View]
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>>There are people who would not ever be able to even pass a calculus class because they are too stupid for it. But there is no one would not be able to pass a philosophy class
That doesn't sound right

>> No.8148888 [View]
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>> No.8083894 [View]
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Ugh, this is such a hard question, but I will try to give actual reasons while reducing my mental farts:

1.Generally speaking, you should always go for Physics over Math because it is bigger, it requires more intelligence. One can be a mathematician but an awful physicist, if you pick high enough standards, or one can be a physicist who is actually good at math by definition, and by the same standards.

2.You can check IQ differences as well.

3.Math is not a science in the first place, pursuing it pretty much makes you an unscientific philosopher, while pursuing Physics makes you a scientific philosopher. Side note: an exclusive interest in math is unnatural, you will eventually pursue Philosophy if you are not mentally ill, (because math is part of philosophy anyway but whatever)

4.It is cool to learn about advanced math on your own, instead of having to be forcefed with boring bullshit just get a job at a fast food and not starve in the streets like a loser

5. This one requires some thought: All human math is contained in physics. Our brains work inside physics, so just like an hypothetical scenario of a plane falling is inside Physics, all possible brain events are inside Physics. Physics also includes all possible models of reality, even when we rule them out, so in all cases infinite models are being considered in order to advance Physics. Physics corrects our abstraction, you can think of math containing Physics only if you are dumb enough to not realize that you are thinking such thing within Physics in the such place. Not only that, if you think that math contains Physics, you have a very loose definition of Math.

6. Trivia: Physics contains Chemistry and Biology(math doesn't), it contains the reason for our specific languages, and very interestingly, it contains the Turing machines that we popularly call "computers", which are essential to modern math. For fun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry%E2%80%93Howard_correspondence

>> No.8018390 [View]
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See, even now I've fucked up the OP image. Should be pic related.

>> No.7697566 [View]
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on another note can you tell me one mathematician that didn't do work in physics?

>> No.7662382 [View]
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>> No.7611284 [View]
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Is there a way to test groups of people for how calm they are?

This could be incredibly useful. Generally, I believe the bigger your Intelligence, the calmer you are. I believe people are getting more anxious every decade since the 1800's. I believe Calhoun's experiment proves that anxiety is linked with hypersexuality, sexual deviation, general aggressiveness, laziness or even NEET behavior, general irrational behavior, if population density implies anxiety.

We know this far that the tribal races have a hard time being calm in the civilised society, and we know that their intelligence is significantly lower. We know that if civil is understood as calm, a civilised race can only be a calm, analytical, race. So it makes sense to measure how calm we are, we could use brain scans, simulations, games, ventilation-heart profiles, general health profiles, drug preferences census, personality comparisons, family history etc

I was thinking that mental chronometry is a wrong concept because IQ tests can reward being wrong and fast more than being slow and right, so tests should have a reasonably big time and it shouldn't be taken into consideration. Therefore rendering the words "retard", "retarded", "slow", for being Wrong, incorrect. It was never a correct association. And thus, I propose the new word "anxious", for being logically Wrong.

>> No.7582746 [View]
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I didn't know why people accept "STEM grads are not smarter". I guess they hate inequality. They don't even care if it is genetic or environmental, they just fucking hate inequality.

>> No.7552202 [View]
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The art of healing was dead, Galen revived it; it was scattered and dis-arrayed, Razi re-arranged and re-aligned it; it was incomplete, Ibn Sinna perfected it.[15]


> A flaming mysticist.
Newton was a unitarian, let us complete reject his laws of gravitation because of his religious beliefs.

Also, why does it matter if the most important products are compilations? what is a systematic review? What is a textbook?

> The major contributors are people writing textbooks

What is the Islamic influence on astronomy, which is often cited on sci as containing the highest IQ individuals in conjunction with physics

>> No.7532970 [View]
File: 66 KB, 741x643, IQ_by_gender_ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On average: no
On top 10% average: probably yes

>> No.7524846 [View]
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>But given enough time, anyone without a true learning disability or mental retardation can get just as high scores as anyone else.
Prove this or it will be completely ignored as bullshit.

>> No.7498376 [View]
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So I will give a few scenarios and make the general statement.

Suppose you are at class and receive a death threat, you can't study until the threat is solved. Suppose that the threat is in 2 years, you will have to drop out. Even if your death is in 10 years, you will have to drop out. Also, the amount of years doesn't change the feeling of death coming, because that is a binary state. So even if you are dieing in 40 years, it feels as if you are dieing tomorrow. Consider a nuclear threat effect on citizens: hippies, pre-90s technology etc You won't build a house, which is faster than studying, that could be destroyed in a year.

There is also the surprise factor in death, you don't know when you are dying, you think it will be in 40 years and so on. So the conclusion is if you consider death, you can't learn. Let's expand on learning. IQ correlates strongly with learning and the ability to learn, which is no surprise. So if you consider death, your IQ is lower.

Behavior that competes with learning is based on death: anxiety is thinking there is not enough time left, boredom and tiredness is thinking further studying will damage you. The behavior that comes from dooms day scenario, is: orgies, vioence, drug abuse, crazy speech and so on but not study. To study you have to ignore death. It is kind of a noble trait, isn't it

>> No.7484092 [View]
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Oh, I see, you are comparing the IQs of formal "specialists". I am talking about the real CS, infinite computer science, something like mathematics, logic etc

>> No.7479744 [View]
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Yes, because less females.

>> No.7443282 [View]
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Oh, if only I didn't have a handy dandy graph for this.

Bask in the intelligence difference between <span class="math">\underline {\overline{\cal{PURE} \; \;\cal{SCIENCE}}}[/spoiler] and pleb majors.

>> No.7417902 [View]
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It's not bait. If you do STEM you're guaranteed to go through this crisis sometime between your freshman and final years.

Pic related.

>> No.7407654 [View]
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There is a lot of work to be done in Physics

You can see on this pic physicists are top tier.

And nigger, you are talking about engineers, not pure mathematicians

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