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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6360781 [View]
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are you fucking serious?


>> No.6120781 [View]
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>Doing this is like making atom bombs

>> No.5723142 [View]
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If it's _kinda_ look like hormones in certain conformation doesn't mean it will mimic those. Anyhow diphenyloxalates rapidly degrade in the body. If someone won't eat it everyday for several months he'll be fine.
Soon someone here will write about horrible-horrible bisphenol A and related substances.
>mfw chemophobia

>> No.5687404 [View]
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You see, m8, you opened the thread not because of your curiousity about /sci/'s "personalities" but to point out you're "Master Race" by results of a short silly test based on very controversal semi-scientific theories with no strict character accentuation borders. Now think why did you do that. Is everything IRL so bad that you're trying to gain confidence and self-esteem on anonymous board? Or are you trying to convince yourself that you're a smart/cool guy with the passive help of audience? A pityful read, even more pityful than IQ threads.

>> No.5232321 [DELETED]  [View]
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I've recently gone back to school after dropping out in grade 10. I'm 23 years old now and need some help on some math questions that may seem very simple to most of you but I just cannot figure out on my own... seeing as how it's 4 am and I have no one else to ask, I'm going to ask you guys. It would help a lot right now.

2. Three golf balls are packed tightly into a cylindrical can. The radius of one golf ball is 2.0 cm

a) What is the height of the can?
b) What is the volume of the cylindrical can?

5. A glass containing water is in the shape of a right circular cylinder with a radius of 3 cm. The height of the water in the glass is 10 cm

b) Five spherical marbles of equal size are dropped into the glass. The water in the glass rises to a height of 11 cm. What is the increase in the volume of the contents of the glass? Be sure to include units of measure in your answer.

c) What is the volume of one marble? Be sure to include units of measure in your answer.

d) What is the radius of one marble? Be sure to include units of measure in your answer.

>> No.5112578 [View]
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>The thick atmosphere of Earth was blown off probably by the Late Heavy Bombardment and the young flaring sun. Before any life existed.
Even if that were true, it'd be completely irrelevant. The late heavy bombardment predated Earth's CO2 atmosphere altogether.
>Only when the crust had a chance to solidify and seas were able to form did life come to play in the mechanics. For seas to form, the surface temperature had to already be below boiling.
Thanks for supporting my point, dumbass. If temperatures were below boiling (and below a "runaway point") even in the presence of that massive CO2 atmosphere (much more dense than any that could exist again on Earth), then there is simply no way that partially reversing the fixation process could boil the oceans as you describe.
>In two hundred years we have already caused as much change as ten to a hundred thousand years of natural processes.
>etc. etc.
Doesn't matter (well, it does, but not with respect to the hypothesized runaway greenhouse). It's just not going to happen - we don't have enough oxygen left to heat things to the tipping point, nor have we ever.
>And furthermore, the higher the temperatures get, the less air moisture will turn into clouds to rain down and will instead stay in the air to act as a GHG.
Clouds will still form, just as higher altitudes - even if there is no liquid water left on the surface. Just look at the H2SO4 cycle on Venus.

>> No.4582207 [View]
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>/b/ reaction images

>> No.4394738 [View]
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>> No.4364659 [View]
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>> No.4335538 [View]
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>It's a fucking boob graph I'm making for 4chan, not exactly a large-scale commercial software product

Implying a mathematician could make anything more important to humanity than a boob graph.

>> No.3964380 [View]
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Explain Venus, then.

>> No.3808880 [View]
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>> No.3787471 [View]
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>Individual subatomic particles don't seem to play by the conventional rules of special relativity

Is this really anything new? Yes, it was thought that C was the maximum speed of a particle but big whoop? We hardly understand anything about neutrinos anyway, is this rally all that shocking?

>> No.3179307 [View]
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>nuclear cold fusion

>> No.3120034 [View]
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>counting alien abductions and "encounters" as scientificially rigorous evidence of aliens

>> No.3060359 [View]
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If anyone falls for this...

>> No.3015081 [View]
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>mfw a 30 year old know-it-all who barely finished high school tells me straightfaced that Nibiru exists, has a parabolic orbit around the sun, and that NASA discovered it.

>mfw he's also very sceptical about the Bin laden take down.

what do you think about this, sci -- and can you top this level of stupidity?

>> No.2933080 [View]
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Lots of memorization, sure, but shit tier? No.

>> No.2885674 [View]
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>Homo sapiens sapiens is the only ape on Earth


>> No.2648314 [View]
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The wheel is on the left (1 is the wheel hub), the interface with the car chassis is point 3 I am assuming?

A non-sectioned isometric drawing would be really useful here, to people unfamiliar with these components. I did an exercise like this a year and a bit ago and already its hard to understand.

Can you provide the original drawing, before you drew so hard with pencil all over it!?

I think I understand the exercise. It is to provide an environmental seal and structural housing to the bearings. The bits done in pencil are what you have done, the printed elements were there to start you off...

Because I can distinguish so little of what the design intent, or even requirements are there are only a few things I can see that are wrong.

Firstly, there is no point using a nut and bolt when the casing would be cast and then machined. You can just specify a threaded abutment where your number 2 screw locates. Secondly, again, because it will be cast and then machined, you should specify some internal/external radii on those corners.

I see your plan is to use spacer sleeves between the two sets of bearings, and to use the leftmost to transmit axial loads which is good.

You need to detail the seals a bit more clearly. For rotating elements like this, lip seals are normally used, you might want a bubble with a leader line to draw a close-up of the seal. I am not quite sure what you are trying to show on the rightmost end of the shaft...

The most obvious problem though, is that your bearings are mechanical divorced from your car chassis!...why have you got a second seal on the right?? The solid section 3 should be the righthand half of your bearing box.

>> No.2632606 [View]
File: 23 KB, 456x297, impliedfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw EK just revived this thread which died 4 hours ago.
>not camwhore at all...

>> No.2613267 [View]
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Fucking crop circles? You best be joking, nigger.

>> No.2535244 [View]
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mfw 4chan & sfw

>> No.2524633 [View]
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ITT: People not knowing how much 10 billion dollars really is

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