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>> No.11766221 [View]
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Everyone in this thread has no idea what they're talking about.

This guy in particular is absolutely delusional >>11765890 , very deep into his religion. "Occam's razor == truth" is something only fools say. I bet he doesn't even know any other razors or what a razor even is. Yeah, go look it up bud, prove me wrong. You're being foolish.

Everyone else. See:
It's a rough version I have to add a few things to and refine down, but it gets across the gist of it. Part of the problem is a lack of definitions and proper terminology, for example the word "believe". What does it even mean to "believe in"? That describes nothing about function or behavior.. It's empty words. People don't even realize they're barely talking about anything, and certainly not all talking about the same thing. "Believe". It's like the word "God" or "spirituality".

>> No.11744072 [View]
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Work on artificial wombs is only accelerating, especially in China. Rockefeller was present in China by the late 1800's and once called it "The Model". Rockefeller, Gates, the other big technocrats, are of course eugenicists. That's the purpose of all this genetic research and DNA collection. The Human Genome Project was originally a eugenics operation, see the history of Cold Spring Harbor.

>> No.11673616 [View]
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Effects of Delayed Cord Clamping on 4-Month Ferritin Levels, Brain Myelin Content, and Neurodevelopment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Effect of delayed versus early umbilical cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status at 4 months: a randomised controlled trial

Effects of Umbilical Cord Clamping on Early Brain Development in Term Infants in a Randomized Controlled Trial


>> No.11669644 [View]
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Effects of Delayed Cord Clamping on 4-Month Ferritin Levels, Brain Myelin Content, and Neurodevelopment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Effect of delayed versus early umbilical cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status at 4 months: a randomised controlled trial

Effects of Umbilical Cord Clamping on Early Brain Development in Term Infants in a Randomized Controlled Trial


Yet they clamp.

>> No.11666140 [View]
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Wait, what in the fuck? The mods actually deleted my vaccine science post. That really pisses me off. How about you mods fuck off and mind your own business, ultimately you're only harming yourself.


This is what they did to us. This is what they're still doing and getting away with. To those reading this who are still capable of thinking for themselves, save, review, and propagate this information. Eventually I'm going to get sick of posting and reposting 2k character limit blocks, with barely any rational or intelligent dialogue coming from it, and I'm just going to stop. We need more people. Too few people are doing too much of the work, in many things.


And an addition.


>> No.10783548 [View]
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Highly developed in the sense that there's a fine grained filtration, redirection, and translation system for the "stream of thought" that reaches full awareness. The ability to ignore or distort sensory input of all kinds. Essentially living in a deconstructed mental state in general outside one's own body, or having multiple "bodies".

Smoking weed, which I only did once or twice, separated me from the stream of my thoughts and I was only able to watch them go by. I realized then the amount of control I was automatically exerting over them at all times otherwise. I would regress to childhood, and feel like I was around 5 or so, and then I'd get stuck in these memories. Just kind of dumped there... with no working faculties to leave. Maybe I am one of those hardened damaged cowards, but I didn't like it, and didn't do it again.

There is the observation that emotional suppression, if not properly redirected, eventually causes a person to "break down". What underlying machinery is being strained to cause this clearly active process to not continue indefinitely regardless of external inputs? It clearly has overhead. It's active. It takes energy. Is it just lots of... avoiding the path of least resistance pumping ions around? Exhaustion of neurotransmitter synthesis? Point is, the brain doesn't ever structurally adapt. The only thing that doesn't seem to be an active process is depersonalization / derealization, or "splitting the mind". This takes time and energy to get out of.

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