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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14660652 [View]
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Oh no annoying CAPTCHAs. It the fucking end of the world. This is surely part of the Bill Gates new world order satanic globalist agenda.

Why the fuck do poltards always have to act so hysterical when it comes to anything related to science, technology, or medicine? It's like you retards just instinctively hate modern science and technology on a visceral level. Regardless of whether it's good or bad, you hate it either way.
Technology = bad.
Science = bad.
That's about how sophisticate and nuanced the right wing understanding of science actually is.

Don't get me wrong, the CAPTCHA's can be annoying and I get that, but it's the only way to keep this board from being absolutely flooded with spam and ads. If we didn't have any CAPTCHAS at all this board would basically be unusable. Literally every page of the catalog would just be filled with Vatnik kremlinshills and anti-vaxxers shitposting and trying to sell InfoWars Super Male Vitality and Ivermectin.

You have two options, either (1) an unusable board that's constantly filled with propaganda and ads, or (2) you have to spend 5 seconds to fill out a CAPTCHA when you make a post. It's not perfect, but I think it's pretty clear that option 2>option 1.

>> No.12593609 [View]
File: 8 KB, 299x168, (YOU).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds, schizo. Trump lost. Science is real.

>> No.12465105 [View]
File: 8 KB, 299x168, (YOU).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone falls precisely and exactly into a specific pre-defined ideological category
>implying a leftist or a liberal is not allowed to agree with non-leftists on any issues whatsoever

All of the policies I've suggested have actually been supported by leftist scholars. The Neo-liberal corporatist wing of the left has largely monopolized public discourse on these issues in recent years and completely marginalized anti-establishment voice on the left that oppose globalization, free trade, and identity politics, but everything I have said has been and still is supported within certain segments of the left. If you are unaware of these voices and positions on the left, then it's either because you are a Zoomer or you get all of you news and political opinions from mainstream, corporate sources like Twitter, Facebook, Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.
In fact, the left used to lead the discussion against globalization, centralization, and free trade. They used to talk about the WTO, the GATT, NATO, and TPP. They used to talk about the mainstream media and public disinformation. They used to talk about outsourcing, brain drain, and international workers right, and they used to criticize foreign aid and nation-building for being "paternalistic". Left wing activists literally held anti-globalization protests in Seattle and Portland. The in the early 2010s this all started to change. OWS in 2011-2012 was probably the last point in time when these sorts of conversations were occurring within leftist political spheres. Neoliberalism had been around for a while, but it wasn't until about 2013, when neoliberal voices on social media and within academia finally succeeded in ostracizing and marginalizing the leftist anti-globalization movement.

>> No.12324427 [View]
File: 8 KB, 299x168, (((YOU))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an insane theory.
(1) I have already provided 5 different sources (4 of which have been published in major journals within the last 2 years), that clearly and unambiguously demostrate that this is not "settled science". Namely in these posts >>12324258

(2) If it is a "insane theory", then you have to explain why it is insane. If you're argument someone presents you with an argument you can't a priori reject the argument because "its insane" and then refuse to accept any new evidence. That is circular reasoning. Moreover, you are actually objectively wrong when you say it is an insane argument. I have presented numerous scientific sources which irrefutably prove that scientists are indeed still debating and investigating the topic.

(3) As I have mentioned, there are multiple game theoretic models which demonstrate that concepts like "settled science" or "established wisdom" can actually systematically undermine the scientific method as a whole. I refer you to the work the work of Joseph Henrich (e.g. "The Evolution of Innovation-Enhancing Institutions") as well as much of the work of the UC Irvine's Logic department.

(4) I have even cited the WHO who clearly and unambiguously state their findings "[warrant further research of mobile phone use and brain cancer risk" Source: https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/electromagnetic-fields-and-public-health-mobile-phones
You are literally denying the world health organization. You are the schizo. Do you also think COVID is a hoax? Do you think the earth is flat? This issue is more serious than at any point in our history. Retards like you are now responsible for the deaths of literally hundreds of thousands of americans.

(5) You honestly sound like someone with no background in science. I'm guessing you are studying and/or have studied some sort of brainlet field like education, nursing, or software engineering?

>> No.12272217 [View]
File: 8 KB, 299x168, (((YOU))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting trigger by mean racist comments on the internet

Cringey as fuck. Seethe harder tranny.
(and for good measure)

Fuck I hate uptight, butthurt, leftists so much. I myself am a liberal and a leftist, but you faggots are some of the most annoying people in the world. Right up there with evangelical Christians who can't stop talking about the 'End Times'.

>> No.12136383 [View]
File: 8 KB, 299x168, (((YOU))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who disagree with me is a literal Nazi
>Also a group of powerful group of rich old white people completely and systematically control the mainstrema (i.e. white nationalist) media, the education system, the economy, the police, science, art, music, and every other field
>These rich old white people are systematically colluding with each other to manipulate the media, the economy, and the education system. These rich white geriatrics secretly control the world economy and media for the sole purpose of oppressing, enslaving, and genociding all non-whites.
>These rich old white ggeriatric mainstain absolute control over every system and structure in society. They occasionally give positions of power to minorities and POC like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris, but the only reason they do that is to create the illusion of racial equality and fairness. In reality EVERY SINGLE person of color who holds any power is secretly in the hands of the Rich White Cabal

Take your meds. Not everyone is a "Nazi" or a "White nationalist". The shit you see on TV is not real life. Most conservatives aren't NAzis and they don't support genocide or slavery, and most leftists aren't Antifa fags, communists, Stalinists or Satan worshippers. Yes, White Nationalist "Nazis" and Antifa Stalinists exist IRL, but they are a small minority. If you're first reaction is to label anyone who disagrees with you or expresses a mildly conservative as a "Nazi", then you have severe mental health problems. I have literally never met someone who supported slavery or systematic genocide IRL, nor have I ever seen any evidence that a secret network of rich old white protestants completely and systematically controls the world economy and the media. We do not live in a "racist" society. We live in a very corrupt and flawed society, but the one thing we do have is racial and gender equality.

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