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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11152454 [View]
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Reverse the two. Get a BSC. for math and a minor/BA for computer science. Computer science is helpful for some problems not necessarily computational.
Intro to lit is fine, I recommend human geography over Europe history. Replace int. pol. with US gov. Macro is fine, replace jazz with philosophy unless if you really like people of color being forced down your throat.
>light blue
I would recommend learning Python and going for that minor that way you learn the basics of programming. Math majors have no trouble adjusting into software if that is what you wish, the problem is commitment to a math career.
>dark blue
You don't really need advanced math classes with a CS degree. Depends on your career path.
>light green
I recommend biology too. As a math major physics was hell because I lacked mechanical aptitude while chem is hell because I don't care about chemistry lol.

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