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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15665724 [View]
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We, as humanity, try to understand this world the best we can. We are curious creatures, which sparks the curiosity for knowledge for where we came from. We realized from which continent we may came from, we realized when we became a human, and we realized from which life forms we became what we are today.

Humanity has always been looking at the stars. Ancient civilizations made calanders for farming, we used the stars as a compass for navigating the sea, and we always drew and imagined what was up there. We were so mad that we couldn't yet see what is up there, that we devoted the sky to God and heaven.

Using mathematics, theoretical physics and astrophysics we are learning where we came from and what this universe is like. We are learning the rules and limitations which God set upon us.

These fields may not be practical, but if we weren't studying them, we would be exactly the same as ants. Just working our way to more population.

These fields are a must. Even if we devoted all our resources into the practical stuff, some group of people would be too curious, and would need to find out what is beyond what we can see.

>> No.15363557 [View]
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>> No.12096616 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm going out on a limb here in search of a fellow explorer.
I whole heartedly believe I've found the edge of the matrix...
If you're interested in learning what I've discovered, join me here https://t.me/gematriaandpi be well!

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