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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6534476 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Alpha as fuck
>Omega as fuck
>Flash back to 4.5 billion years ago
>I'm high as balls and just came up with this crazy idea
>It's a way for species to change into other species over time, without me having to do shit
>Call it "Evolution" because it's a cool sounding word
>Create planet, put a few microbes on it, and upload "Evolution" algorithm
>Fast forward to present day
>I'm partying it up with some T-Rexes on this dinosaur planet I just created
>Decide to check in on "Evolution" planet to see if anything interesting has happened
>Discover that it's populated by billions of creatures that look like me
>They don't have my powers, they're just a bunch of mortalfags
>Still pretty freaked out that they look like me, though
>Check back in on "Evolution" planet after a few hundred years
>All the mortalfags have uploaded their consciousnesses into a giant quantum supercomputer
>It can talk
>It tells me it is capable of perfectly simulating an infinite number of universes
>One of those universes is the one I'm in
>mfw I created myself

How possible is this scenario?

>> No.6186353 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, /sci/.

My young Earth creationist grandmother got me to read some of her literature. Basically it asks the reader if he/she think it reasonable that the universe created itself.

By that reasoning, how did God create himself? Or how did whatever made God create itself?

Anyway I'm not bright enough to think of an argument that she can't poke holes in at all. I need it watertight. I want her to either change her views (unlikely) or never bother me with her creationist shit again. For this I come to you.

>> No.6107104 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What life skills would I need to learn in order to become a god (figuratively)?
>inb4 porn
>We dont discuss relgion ()

>> No.6060684 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to debate for either the Ontological, Cosmological, or Teleological argument for Phil. I don't know what board would be best to ask, but which of these is the strongest?

>> No.6035223 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I may say that when I was a young man and
>was debating these questions very seriously in
>my mind, I for a long time accepted the argument
>of the First Cause, until one day, at the age
>of eighteen, I read John Stuart Mill's Autobiography,
>and I there found this sentence: "My father
>taught me that the question 'Who made me?'
>cannot be answered, since it immediately
>suggests the further question `Who made god?'"
>That very simple sentence showed me, as I still
>think, the fallacy in the argument of the First Cause.
>If everything must have a cause, then God must have
>a cause.
-Bertrand Russell

I believe this argument is bullshit because if we accept God as an all-powerful being and one who exists outside of time, then God does not need to have been caused by anything. God is above our observed laws of physics, i.e., is above needing to be created or caused by some (physical) force.

>> No.5913992 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, 1374343457005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on first publication
>looking at some journals to see the process of publishing in their journals
>see fees associated
>$1000-$3000 fee per article for some obscure journal
Has anyone here been published? How do you deal with it?

>> No.5743245 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, 2012-12-17-ImageofGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my theory

God created the universe with an infinite variable (love) in his great wisdom. Satan a fallen angel wants to take control of his creation but can't due to the infinite variable which is love. I'd like to expand on this so your input would be valued.

>> No.5717076 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, 2012-12-17-ImageofGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend and I were arguing about the beginning of everything.

They said, "Because humans can't create humans (in the non-reproductive sense) then a deity or higher power must have created everything."

I said, "Because humans can't create humans, then humans didn't create everything."

They look at things as Because of X then Y, and I look at things as Because of X then Not Y.

What would describe our ways of thinking? Like, are there words for our styles of thinking and looking at things? Like optimistic or pessimistic, something like that...

>> No.5679853 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, some_bearded_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is the only answer.

>> No.5397846 [View]
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, 2012-12-17-ImageofGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /sci/

i graduate next semester with my godly chemical engineering degree, but only 8 credits are necessary to graduate, and i need to stay at 12 credits for financial aid reasons.

what class should i take? i'm going to take golf for 1 credit, and another 3 credit class.

what would be the easiest way out?

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