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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11241624 [View]
File: 73 KB, 800x782, xasset-5-Calorie-Intake-Over-Time.png.pagespeed.ic.fIfzewGusY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple picture of Karl Marks brings all the /stormfront/ cucks to the yard to [REEEEEEEE autistically]. And the next thread over, they whine about leftist subversion, and the irony will be lost to them. Not because they necessarily don't notice it, but because they're constitutionally dissimulated.

Yeah, about that, pic related.

For all their faults, knowing Deleuze and Land already puts you ahead of the vast majority of /pol/tards. That said, saying Marxism is deterministic is proof positive that you either haven't read the source material or didn't quite grasp what you read.

ayy le Mao

It doesn't take much to understand the notion of climate change either, yet here we are, with the world's most powerful people denying it as everything burns around them. Literally so, in Australia's case.

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