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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9434797 [View]
File: 532 KB, 800x584, 1502724757520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making your own labcoats

>> No.9255807 [View]
File: 532 KB, 800x584, my true mentor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching taiwanese puppet shows

>> No.8429730 [View]
File: 532 KB, 800x584, 1474997597192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, because if she was the next 'Einstien' to begin with she would have been making novel inferences concerning the properties of the firewood she collected/ sold or the ecosystem she treked.

Eventually she would have documented (just because you never been to school or read a text book doesn't mean you can't draw or create hymns, let's assume she religious too) or spoke about those inferences within a system that was connected to the public sphere of some kind (maybe her kids, neighbor or husband spreads information of said inferences through casual conversation). Which would have eventually caused a bit of buzz positive or negative.

Also since this is post Einstien "era" information of such a person regardless of being a country and village that nobody talks or cares about would spread to the ears of those who would inquire about it.

She either then becomes another Mary Anning (poor shell collector/seller who discovered fossils, got noticed in the public and academic sphere but never received full credit until centuries later) or Thomas Fuller (physical proof that innate high mathematical abilities can be found in native Africans but was discovered too late and never had a chance to go into academia because of slavery/old age and used in arguments for greater education services for women in the village/country). Although if this is truly post Einstien "era" then she would have eventually gotten some opportunity even if it is miniscule to publish her inferences later in life.

>> No.8397954 [View]
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>Beyond that, average joe is of no concern for the establishment.

The average joe in a first world country if they applied themselves could put the fear of God in the entire country.

Bored teenagers doing clown dressup scares are shutting down entire schools and wasting police resources.

Diseases from third world countries due to unsanitary habits of the poor inducing nationwide health scares because aid workers and immigrant travel to and from those countries.

Disenfranchised youth and adults going on random killings because their "homeland" or "neighborhood" is in tatters.

Asocial people who lack thick skin and can't handle rejection going on rampages.

While the original purpose of education was to spread knowledge, the secondary purpose (which has far more reaching affects) is to pacify the masses so they may ultimately reinforce the infrastructure of a given nation, not to destroy it.

I thought /sci/ would have realized by now that the focus of programs to help non-geniuses isn't just about some sjw crusade but to legitimately make sure society doesn't outright collapse from sheer ignorance.

>> No.8385270 [View]
File: 532 KB, 800x584, 1474997597192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a new species of white males
>21st century

Look at this fucking uneducated pleb who doesn't know shit about 17th century gender bent roles (boys/young men playing women) in European plays and 18th century castratos (castrated boys to sound like girls) for European operas that appeared before Feminism and mass chemical substance influence were widespread.

Getting back to the point at hand, the writer is right that a lot of our modern consumables have chemicals that can influence our body's hormone development. But like everything else in life just use said consumables in moderation, don't be over by excessive about.

There's no point in trying to get into the details about it because unless you plan on becoming some fucking nomad in the wilderness, you're not going to be able to avoid this entirely.

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