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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5547629 [View]
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Gravity is NOT a force, so looking at it as such will only mislead you. Gravity is an affect of the travel time of the message. Think of each thing in existence, now pretend it sends out messages to every other thing to let everything else know what it's doing. What we call space, is really just a difference in the update interval between each thing. All possible intervals are represented.(1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4, etc. etc. etc. forever.) Things that are 'close' will get updated faster than things that are 'further' away. This is really just saying that one half is bigger than one fourth, or two feet away is closer than four feet away. What reality does is given two different options of saying something, it ALWAYS chooses the option that uses the least information, or lowest total 'distance' to represent the relationship. The combination of all things using all subsets of update intervals with every other thing taken together looks like gravity. E.g. it takes less information to store the number of atoms in a planet when those atoms are close together, because the big bunch of atoms we call a planet is just the combination of least 'distance' between each atom locally. The update interval or 'distance' is literally how reality stores information. So things clump together because reality is optimizing itself, always. The most disturbing thing about this there is a mechanism for going the other direction, otherwise total 'distance' would already be zero. That mechanism is choice. Choice is a prerequisite to change. The reason this is disturbing is that there's a whole bunch of choice here, and it's not ours.

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