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>> No.2126262 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1083x378, Political System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, similar to something I had in mind: your carrier choices are determined not by what YOU want to do, but what you're best at. Similarly, promotions are decided by an independent board, not by superiors. This would mean that the country is run on a meritocratic basis, with the merit decided both by actual achievement and a standardized test of core competencies like problem solving, communication, organization, etc.

As for politics, I envision a system in which there's a national network of computers that track every aspect of each city's life, presenting the mayor with a range of options to choose from. Should he/she consider them all unsatisfactory, they may submit their own option, which is reviewed by a board of specialists.
The same layout is repeated for counties, regions, and finally, one controller computer presents the president with options. Police and other public services are paid by the central government, and every politician has a private bank account at the national bank that they receive their salary to, and they must close all other accounts when entering politics to prevent bribes and embezzlement.
Promotions are handled on the same meritocratic basis, with bonuses for achievements in the area under their control, or negation of bonuses and fines for bad performance. This would provide an incentive for politicians to view the goals of the city/county/nation as first, not stuffing their own pockets (which is rendered impossible by having only a monitored state account, making any attempts at bribery instantly noticeable and punishable by permanent banning from the world of politics).

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