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>> No.8767843 [View]
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I say this generally only applies to white people, blacks, and Mexicans. Nearly every girl I met of ME, Indian, or Asian decent is either in business or STEM...

White girls have been raised to be special snowflake, entitled, princesses who have been fed a series of lies about how the world is out to get them and that STEM is a hostile boys club that they'll never succeed in because they'll be artificially held back.They're also obsessed with sex, instant gratification, and their own little bubble world.

The only way to encourage them to go into STEM is to annihilate male competition. This is done by throwing scholarships at them, making the fields noticeably hostile towards men, and give them EXTREME preferential treatment in academia and industry effectively raising the bar on men several degrees and dropping it to ankle height on women like it is outside of STEM.

The whole trick is to stack the deck in their favor so they always win and make them think that it's the only way that it can be fair in such a misogynist field of study so they think they truly earned it.

But in the mean time we get to deal with angry college feminist taking the most random shit like early childhood education and bitch about no women being in STEM without realizing the irony.

Fun story
>Have male friend who is studying early childhood education
>Loves kids, understands them, and always wanted to study it
>Hate pedos more than anyone I've ever met in my entire life
>Would sell your down the river if he ever caught you looking at porn of an animu character who even remotely looks like a pre-teen
>has to put up with every female involved in the study thinking/treating (in some cases outright accusing) him of being a lowly pedo who wants to abuse his position to rape toddlers and shit.
>Has to fight tooth and nail for every accolade and is already having his career hindered by prejudice

They basically want that in STEM

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