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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6359493 [View]
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Hey guys, I have a great idea that I want to patent and turn into a reality. The thing is, I don't know the science/engineering behind the idea that I have and I need help from someone to construct it. Who would I ask? Are there engineering firms that can help me out?

>> No.6311511 [View]
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What shape is the universe?

If you traveled endlessly in one direction, would you reach an end? or loop back on yourself?

These are simple questions so if I see mumbo jumbo answers I'll take it as "nobody knows".

>> No.6303807 [View]
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Where did the Big Bang come from?
What is time?
Just how fucking huge is the universe?

>> No.6175945 [View]
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Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

So what is your theory of how the Universe we know today was created?
So if it was created from a change in energy i.e a simple example being GPE to KE (To show what I am asking) where did the energy come from? Is it an example of something merely existing as we will never be able to explain?

Post your opinions/theorys /sci

>> No.5949303 [View]
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What are your favourite movies about theories concerning the universe? If you have any theories of your own, please share those as well!

>> No.5596430 [DELETED]  [View]
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what does our mere existence tell us about the universe?

>> No.5541505 [View]
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How much does /sci/ know about death? Why is it not studied mor intensivly?

>> No.5412581 [View]
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would the universe still exist if there is no one / nothing to observe it ?

>> No.5396745 [View]
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How is it not science related? Science is all about understanding everything in existence.

I'm kind of a pleb when it came to science education (I do business school), but could you explain the concept of Singularity?

>The energy was there from the beginning
Does that mean no energy can be absorbed, or multiplied?

>> No.5347421 [View]
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When will we be able to see planets from another galaxy with a telescope?

>> No.5160454 [View]
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Hello /sci/!
I recently saw a documentary about quantum mechanics/physics where they showed and 'explained' the 'two-slit experiment'.
What bugged me was the odd choice of words: They said, only if you look the results will change (to either particle form or wave form).
Now, I'm a layman in regards to this and unfortunately I lack to mental capacity and the patience to understand complex (quantum) physics and formulas.

Could you explain to me what this means?

To me this sounds insanely dumb. Do you need a conscious being that _looks_ at the experiment? Would a cat for example get different results than a human? Could you have some sort of device and actually get both (predicted) results, because no one 'looked'.
This wording implies a certain consciousness of particles, which I personally doubt.

The way I explained it to me, was that the measurement interfers with the measured object. Like a thermometer being put into some substance and ever so slightly changing the substance's temperature because of the measurement.
I've also heard about the measurement forcing the particles to behave a certain way.

I'm glad for any answers to my question and I'd be especially glad if I could easily understand them. Also, could you please give me sources?

>> No.4947535 [View]
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Is this song /sci/?

>> No.4877196 [View]
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Why is there something instead of nothing, /sci/?

>> No.4844101 [View]
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According to Wikipedia, the universe is ~ 13.75 billion years old. The earth is ~4.5 billion years old.

"The Sun grows 10% hotter and 10% brighter every 1 billion years. In about 1 billion years from now the Earth will be too hot to sustain any surface water as a result, life will not be able to sustain itself on Earth. Assuming we have not destroyed ourselves by then.

The Earth is not alive. Accepted science states that at some far distant future point (millions of years from now), the sun will expand into a red giant, and engulf the Earth.

The Earth itself will hopefully not be destroyed until the Sun's lifespan comes to an end, in about 5 billion years, working on the knowledge that the Sun is 4.5 billion years old, and is middle aged."

What if this whole planet formation, millions of years of evolution, race of organisms thing has played out previously? and completely died out before? A few times?

What if their proteins or molecules are what started life on Earth.

what I'm mainly getting at, is that all of history that we do and do not know about, everything that's ever taken place on this planet, could've taken place to a greater/lesser extent somewhere else and been destroyed, leaving no trace. or maybe the faintest trace escaped on an asteroid and came to earth, sparking us.

it's a theory that the initial building blocks (proteins, etc) for life arrived here from outer space on a rock or something.

>> No.4779665 [DELETED]  [View]
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Atheists, what do you make of this?

>> No.4779664 [DELETED]  [View]
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Atheists, what do you make of this?

>> No.4769670 [View]
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What are some good e-books to download about the universe?

I'm trying to enlighten myself with some science.

>> No.4722108 [View]
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So /sci/ let's say aliens do exist now my question is everything needed for life to evolve on a planet is exactly the same as here on earth ? (I'm not to sure on that) so does that mean that every intelligent alien life form MUST look exactly like us ?

>> No.4663071 [View]
File: 684 KB, 1600x1056, multiversedafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is the concept of multiverse and on what phenomenon is it based upon

Basically I got into an argument in class because I could not grasp the stupidity of it, If you believe in the concept, why???

>> No.4427145 [View]
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Okay /sci/, a friend of mine says that Einstein's theory of relativity explains the origins of the universe.
Follow me on this: Energy is a constant in our universe and according to the ToR, Energy is mass times the speed of light squared. What happened at the big bang is energy was converted to mass which began expanding in several directions at the speed of light.

What's wrong with this conclusion, /sci/?

>> No.4186538 [View]
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Please correct me if im wrong

Let us asume that the universe will at all time have the same amount of matter, as there is nothing outside the universe.

Wouldnt it cause some kind of meltdown if you travelled back in time and added you own mass into the amount of matter in the universe?

>> No.4123334 [View]
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Considering the sheer size of the universe, why hasn't everyone universally accepted the fact that the chances of there NOT being any intelligent life besides us are beyond abysmal?

How do religious people deal with the realization of the size of the universe? To me, it would seem that any religion falls apart just looking at the universe. An endless sea that stretches for countless amounts of light years. And what do we have? A couple of unimportant monkeys on a piece of dirt floating around somewhere claiming that there is an omnipotent being watching our every step instead of monitoring the rest of the god damned universe.

The only thing I could realistically believe in is that SOMETHING set off the big bang, but no more than that.

I pretty much started thinking about this once it came to me when a Jehova's Witness came to my door. I asked them how they could believe considering the size of the universe, but they just give you the "You don't know if there is life out there." argument.

>> No.3947535 [View]
File: 684 KB, 1600x1056, m31_gendler_Nmosaic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no way to accurately imagine how big Earth, or even Moon, is. You don't have the slightest clue of how big the Sun is. You are and will forever be completely ignorant of how far the closest star to ours is. It is ridiculous to think that you even have the slightest idea of how far across our galaxy extends. And finally, the scale of the universe, if visualized accurately, would turn your brain into a black hole.

Numbers don't tell shit to human senses. Enjoy this ridiculously strange and wondrous existence.

>> No.3870688 [View]
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Do you think it is possible to physically travel to another galaxy within a reasonable time scale?

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