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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11885365 [View]
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>> No.11874198 [View]
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To start with remove the influence of the Jews from society completely, and eliminate all traces of their mind poisons known as Christianity and Islam from the minds of people. The Abrahamic religions (flavors of Judaism) came from the desert, and they brought the desert with them; spiritually, intellectually and physically.

The desert mind poisons are the cause of the physical desertification we're witnessing today. Make no mistake. This is crucial to understand. Fix the problem at it's source or it won't be fixed. Otherwise you're just playing around with band-aids, attempting to treat symptoms.

Spain is suffering dramatic desertification because the whole country is forced to act like a year-round greenhouse for Europe, producing vegetables and fruit all year round, depleting the soil of nutrients. In the past, before (((Christianization))), Europe was one big forest and people lived off the animals and vegetables and berries etc in the forests. Modern (((Agriculture))) is a direct result of (((Christianization))). Put an end to modern (((civilization))). This must be done if we are to save planet Earth and ourselves. If we don't end (((civilization))), Nature will end it herself but in a very painful way involving much damage to the Her and excessive suffering for us.

>> No.11728270 [View]
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You sound like a thinly veiled CCP shill, but you're right about (((Christianity))) destroying scientific progress in Europe.

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