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>> No.15568653 [View]
File: 293 KB, 700x3516, malaria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me drop some redpills on Muhlaria.
Muhlaria is and was the same scam as Covid.

>Tell people there is a dangerous disease
>claim: "trust me everybody has it even though they are not sick, they are just asymptomatic"
>make them take a prophylaxis against it
>prophylaxis causes side effects which resemble the disease you want to protect them from
>claim: "Oh the disease is just to strong for our meds"

Muhlaria is also a disease that has a shitton of "asymptomatic" cases.

And also very unspecific range of symptoms:
Signs and symptoms of malaria may include:

General feeling of discomfort
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Muscle or joint pain
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
And literally:
>having no symptom at all.

> Same symptoms like almost every disease, or poisoning.
> But is mostly asymptomatic.
> But if you have one on these symptoms, trust us, its the muhlaria
> But only if you were or are in subsaharan africa, othewise it just a cold/flu/whatever
Picrel are the "prophylactic medicines" to """prevent""" malaria...
And it's side effects, express like a "tropical disease" kek.
I hope it makes click sooner or later for anyone.
>picrel is the side effects of prophylactic malaria meds
I think you will see the pattern arround "muhlaria" when you see through the covid bullshit.

>> No.15428597 [View]
File: 293 KB, 700x3516, malaria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever talked to someone who had:
>morbus crohn
>histamine intolerance
>any chronic disease with a nice name?

They always talk about it, mention it, when somebody is sick:
>oh you think you are sick?! pff, I have kawasaki relapse prolapse analis, I have to go to the doctor every week, here look at my 13 variation of Pills I need to take to stay alive

this meme shit, creates people who orbit arround meds and fancy disease names.
Which then leads to some sort of Stockholm Syndrome which make them NEVER ask the question:
>why and how do I have this?!
Because the answer would then conflict with their Stockholm syndrom which is based on "trust for the doc and med dispensers".
It is all a mix of Munchausen syndrome by proxy by the perpetrator (medical system) and a resulting stockholm syndrom by the victim (the patient or meds consoomer).

>> No.15299029 [View]
File: 293 KB, 700x3516, 1679515094326389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to tropics
>or live there
>get told you have to take: Malarone, Atovaquone and other antimalarials
>get jaundice
>alongside the typicale antimalarial side effects
>get diagnosed with yellow fever
>malaria compared to the side effects of the antimalaria meds




"The most common side effects with antimalarials affect more than one in 10 people. For instance, with Malarone, these very common side effects can include headache, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhoea"

"skin rashes and mood changes or abnormal dreams affect between 1% and 10% of patients."

"This is a very commonly used drug and although there are fewer upset stomach incidents, it's also common to experience photosensitivity so care must be taken to avoid sunlight"

>imagine going to africa.
>taking a drug that causes photosensitivity
>absolute kek

"Carroll also advises that drugs should have a trial period if you are worried about side effects, so you can change to another before you go away."



If you get jaundice outside the west, it will be often diagnosed as yellow fever.
Clinically they are pretty similar.
Only difference is... flu like symptoms.
But if you have flu like symptoms induced by picrel, and get jaundice aswell...
Yellow fever it is.

>> No.15293748 [View]
File: 293 KB, 700x3516, malaria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fine, explain other easily testable and highly dangerous diseases, like rabbies or malaria
If it is so easily testable then provide a scientific causaltiy proven experiment in which a biological agent of your choice was transmitted in the same alleged pathway, and caused the same disease as in the host.
Let me start with muhlaria.
>Tell people there is a dangerous disease
>claim: "trust me everybody has it even though they are not sick, they are just asymptomatic"
>make them take a prophylaxis against it
>prophylaxis causes side effects which resemble the disease you want to protect them from
>claim: "Oh the disease is just to strong for our meds"

Muhlaria is also a disease that has a shitton of "asymptomatic" cases.

And also very unspecific range of symptoms:
Signs and symptoms of malaria may include:

General feeling of discomfort
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Muscle or joint pain
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
And literally having nothing symptom.

> Same symtoms like almost every disease, or poisoning.
> But is mostly asymptomatic.
> But if you have one on these symptoms, trust us, its the muhlaria
> But only if you are in subsaharan africa, othewise it just a cold/flu/whatever
Picrel are the "prophylactic medicines" to """prevent""" malaria...
And it's side effects, express like a "tropical disease" kek.
I hope it makes click sooner or later for anyone.

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