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>> No.15176714 [View]
File: 2.94 MB, 1080x1920, ksp2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta capture
hey uhh can the code monkeys developing this shit please explain why every video preview of KSP2 clearly runs like ass? dont you retards have non-potato hardware? all your previews run at 20fps. fucking hell there arent even many parts in this one, just a capsule reentering. and this is supposed to release in a few weeks?? beta capture???
>early access
oh boy, gotta love it when Take 2 publishes an unfinished game. Take 2, literal owner of Rockstar Games, simply cannot afford to use their GTA bux to release a complete hd graphics mod. and dont give me that shit about ksp1 being early access for years. That was an indie team and practically a passion project in its inception. Private Division was created by T2 to develop this shit after Star Theory went defunct. Even poached some of their devs prior. So essentially Squad sold out to T2, T2 creates 343 Industries I mean Private Division to make a soulless, unfinished, empty husk of a game, and mouthbreathing gamers will buy it because it has basebuilding. fantastic honestly, we dont have enough basedboi building simulators. now we just need crafting and paid mods and we can finally have a great ksp game. Review bomb incoming, and well deserved

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