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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5365457 [View]
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That is a great fucking idea.
Aww. Buzzkill.

I would choose the one million. Me and my family have lived on 20'000$ for too long. The one million would change my life. 100 million would not change my life much more than the one million would.

>> No.5230115 [View]
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Jah, son, please tell me more about how angry you vere at your fazzer for monopolizing your mozzer's sex life, jah?

Vat do you mean not every human being is eizer exactly like myself or sexually repressed middle-aged vimmen? Vat is zis "sample size" you speak of? KVATSCH UND HUMBUG like zat vont get in ze vay of proper szientific mezzods, like vriting down vhatever ze hell comes to mind and using it for serious szientific analyses. Tried and true i say!
Ach! Begone! I am very busy interpreting dreams and ozer szientific endeavours!
Surely one such as I vill never be ze objekt of justified ridicule! ACHH!

>> No.5184203 [View]
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I wouldn't use the words "get over it," but the basic idea is correct. I realize that you can't just stop being depressed, but when I say "get over it," I mean that you need to seek treatment and overcome whatever it is that is keeping you down.

You CANNOT do engineering if you are unwilling to be pragmatic. I'm not asking you to think your way out of depression like some of these morons are suggesting, but I am saying that engineers and scientists don't let their personal problems get in the way. You seek help, get treatment, get tutoring, get grades. An engineer solves problems. You're complaining that problems even exists.

>> No.5047768 [View]
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This discussion would be ended officially if all of you would read an introductory psychology or neuroscience text book for 10 minutes.

The "Nature-vs-Nurture" debate is over. We know that every psychological and neurological (and a very large number of biological) phenomenon is both genetic and socio-environmentally influenced. For example: you're born with a certain range of intelligence, but your environment, your diet, your upbringing, your activities, and your education all affect your actual intelligence. If you are mentally-ill, some part of your genetic code made you predisposed toward that illness, even if it was indirect (so perhaps you are not genetically likely to develop depression specifically, but instead to have dopamine or serotonin regulation issues in general). Note that this does not mean that you must have had a gender dysphoric family member in order to be dysphoric yourself, merely that some set of genes related to that expression might predispose you toward gender dysphoria. It's all probabilities.

So in answer to your question, there is a vast amount of evidence pointing to the fact that gender identity is genetic. Boys act differently than girls even in a neutral environment. However, there is also a lot of evidence that upbringing and environment and experiences all affect gender identity as well.

>> No.5038432 [View]
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The rumors of Freud's work being dismissed are greatly exaggerated. Of course he said things that were either untestable or proven to be untrue, but no more so than other famous psychologists of the past. He contributed more than non-psychologists really realize. Even those that dismiss him still use his ideas of projection and his concepts around the subconscious. Our entire idea of the subconscious comes from Freud.

His field of psychology is known as "psychodynamics," and it is very much alive today. It is a fairly large part of my area of study (I'm in neuroscience working under a psychodynamicist).

>> No.5032799 [View]
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You go to university, where you do a pre-med major. You can actually do pretty much anything pre-med. If you want to be a pre-med English major, you can do that, you'll just be working harder than everyone else because you'll be packing in science requirements that would normally be covered by a science major anyway. Biology or Biochemistry are greatly preferred; but neuroscience, anatomy, and psychology are rather common as well. You take the MCATs, and then you apply to medical schools with your scores.

Medical school often takes longer here for some specializations, like psychiatry, though I couldn't tell you why. I'm a non-medical neuroscience major, but I've been drilled with all of this stuff anyway.

As far as university goes, like I said "pre-med" is usually just something they add to whatever major you're doing, the pre-meds are almost always in sciences. People do dual majors because they're interested in multiple subjects. You can do up to three majors in your degree at most schools (I believe). A minor is just sort of a less comprehensive specialization in school.

Also U.S. medical school is generalized, so for instance a Ph.D. Neuroscientist will always know more about psychology and brain chemistry than a Psychiatry M.D., because M.D.'s do the majority of their studying outside of their specialization.

>> No.4909967 [DELETED]  [View]
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Do you guys consider Psychology a science? It uses the scientific method (occasionally)

>> No.4746799 [View]
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>/sci/ can't figure out who "Anonymous" is

>> No.4584221 [View]
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Where can I find a site with major psychologists and a brief summary of their beliefs/accomplishments?

>> No.4561079 [View]
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Hey /sci/fags, something i'm really interested in is the oedipus complex. I'd like to know how or why this happens, better with examples.

>inb4 OP is an oedipusfag
>inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.4291031 [View]
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We're not all physicists. I'm a psych guy myself, but I'll see if I can help.

How does the capacitor make you feel? Is it important to you that they were parallel? Was your parents' relationship parallel when you were a child?

>> No.4104451 [View]
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Possibly. It might've even been with Freud.

It's like discounting tesla because his explorations aren't scientific

>>dat cigar

>> No.4056180 [View]
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OP, do you consider homosexuality a threat to your penis?

>> No.4051199 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why does /sci/ hate Freud? Is he hated because he was a social and neurological genius?

No one could read people better than he did. Why is /sci/ so aspie?

>> No.4044727 [View]
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We need to talk.

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