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>> No.8993121 [View]
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>>he thinks voyager is the fastest thing we can make
>even at the speeds we currently possess
The Voyager probes ARE the ONLY extrasolar craft we've ever constructed.
As I point out here: >>8992740
>Juno will use Jupiter's gravity to reach 90,000 mph, or 0.0001342c.
Juno is faster, but only because it's falling towards Jupiter.
And I used the top speed for the Voyager probes, NOT their current speed.
New Horizons tops out at 36,000 mph.
The Helios probes do about 156,000 mph, but that's because they're orbiting the sun closer than Mercury.
And that's it. That's the fastest man-made object in history, 0.0002335c, but again, only because we dropped in to a very close solar orbit.

I'm sure _someday_ we'll make something faster, but you're talking out your ass when you say:
>even at the speeds we currently possess we could go from one end of the galaxy to another in only a few thousand years
The fastest we've ever sent anything outward is Voyager, and at that speed, it would take 73,000 years to reach the nearest star.

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