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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5919309 [View]
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Nice try. It's actually Gene Cernan from Apollo 17.

>> No.3329958 [View]
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>I think they'll do a wonderful job of keeping people interested in space travel,

Damn well hope so. I'm majoring in astronomy, and people generally just respond with "Hurr who cares about space? There's nothing out there." Or religious fundies who think we're breaking into God's kingdom or whatever shit I heard spouted the other day.

The public needs to be educated before there'll be any interest, and I really can't see that happening any time soon.

>> No.2974702 [View]
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What say you, /sci/?

>> No.2835754 [View]
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.2814479 [View]
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Yes exactly like them

>> No.2731100 [View]
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Then why not move to the glorious United States Of America?

>> No.2691330 [View]
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok we were the first on the moon

We won

>> No.2678094 [View]
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Long Live the 1000 year space empire!

>> No.2604050 [View]
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

76% built and funded by NASA

also we are the only nation to land humans on another world.

Also we are only ones that have currently announced that we are going beyond earth orbit and have set dates
for it.

Then we also to count in to private sector which is planning on making fully reusable rockets, Space stations that hold 24 people by 2017, Suborbital flight affordable to the average middle class citizen, Spacecraft that land on the ground without wings, Reducing the cost to get to orbit by a factor of 10, ect..

and all you guys have is 1 rocket that launches satellites and cargo vehicles.


>> No.2081112 [View]
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, 1284668088152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tiny blue dot near the center of his visor is the planet Earth.

You now feel small and afraid.

>> No.1910631 [View]
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U mad eurofags

can't even into space

>> No.1811092 [View]
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problem soviets?

>> No.1763249 [View]
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How/does the 1/6 gravity on the moon effect human physiology over long periods of time

>> No.1749444 [View]
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if anyone hasnet read this yet they really should

>> No.1738235 [View]
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earth goes at about 30 K/s around the sun
Now the orbital speed is proportional to the inverse square root of its orbital distance

Earth=1 Au away from the sun
Mars=1.52 away from the sun

so (1.52/1)^1/2=1.23288

so 30/1.23288=24.3

mars goes about 24.3 Km/s

this is just a rough calculation
Earths actual average orbital speed is 29.78 km/s
and mars is 24.077 km/s

>> No.1723586 [View]
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Why does /sci/ hate america?

>> No.1612685 [View]
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On August 5th, Sen. John Rockefeller introduced the Senate's version of the NASA Authorization bill - S. 3729 on the floor. The bill authorizes an additional $6 billion in NASA funding over the next five years, including $2.6 billion for developing commercial spaceflight over the next three years. It also authorizes a second shuttle mission in 2011, extends operation of the ISS through 2020, funds new technological development programs, and scraps Constellation in favor of immediately starting work on a new HLV. The bill passed with unanimous consent, and will go to the House of Representatives in September.

Unfortunately, the House Committee on Science and Technology has approved its own version of the bill - H.R. 5781. The House bill cuts commercial funding to just $150 million, effectively shutting down the COTS program, and instead of giving much needed boosts to research and technological development, devotes $22.6 billion, a fourth of NASA's entire budget for the next five years, to continuing the Constellation program. If the House passes its version there will be no commercial replacement for the shuttle, and no NASA LV for another seven or eight years. NASA's scientific research, unmanned missions, and technological development will continue being cut, delayed, and stalled.

I think that's bullshit. And for those who agree I humbly submit the following:

To vote
Yes on s.3729

1. Look up your Representative. www.house.gov/writerep
2. Write/email/phone your Representative, explain the situation and tell them to vote against the HCST's bill and to vote in favor of the Senate's version.
3. Convince at least one other person to do the same.

That's all there is to it. Congress won't stop fucking over NASA unless their constituents tell them to stop.
NASA deserves better! Tell your Representative - NO on H.R. 5781, YES on S. 3729!

>> No.1540336 [View]
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Hello /sci/ what do you think is mankind's greatest achievement?

I vote the Apollo program

>> No.1455418 [View]
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>> No.1438425 [View]
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