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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12193410 [View]
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>+200 million people

>> No.12190275 [View]
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Safety precaution due to being a clinically obese 74yr old. That being said the fact they moved him into a hospital this quickly when white house has doctors is interesting.

>> No.11845942 [View]
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da fuck is a nephron?

>> No.11804863 [View]
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how is the sum of all natural numbers -1/12?
if you consider that all natty numbers to be sum of ones. 1+2+3+4... = 1+(1+1)+(1+1+1)+(1+1+1+1).... then you can say that it's just 1*x where x is infinity (because you are just adding ones) which means the answer is infinity. i know how they came to the answer -1/12 but it doesn't make sense

>> No.11798900 [View]
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in a confined space, what 3 dimensional shape has highest volume to surface area ratio? and why?
not homework btw

>> No.11790105 [View]
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>19 yo male, generally fit and lift weights
>lower back pain for 4 months
>worried i snapped my back so go to doctor
>tell him my symptoms and he tells me to do some movements
>basically very flexible without pain in all directions except bending forward
>says that i need an MRI
>MRI shows my spine has no problem
>doc tells me to fuck off politely (take ibuprofen blah blah it will go on its own)
>do everything from being very careful about posture to sleep to pillows
>try stretching despite pain (lay on back and lift feet to near my ears)
>relieves a bit but i stretched so much that i can suck my own dick and i still feel pain
>been 9 months and still can't bend down slightly or sit without pain
what could it be? the pain is manageable but i am worried it might be something more serious

>> No.11765531 [View]
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what is the best specialty for an autist who spends 20% of his day posting frogs on a bengali basket weaving forum?

>> No.11477575 [View]
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 2094AE63-A808-49F0-8F9D-AEC186922E43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do viruses always infect through the nose and mouth? Why don’t they go in through your pee pee and poo poo which are always open?

>> No.11450743 [View]
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In what unit then, is mass measured? I'm pretty sure
>kg, lbm, slug = mass
>newton, lbf = force
Or are you perhaps referring to the unpopular Kgf (kilogram force)?

>> No.11265301 [View]
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you know how they say that when you're missing a sense, the rest of your senses get stronger? if i lose my touch, taste, smell and hearing, does that mean i get x-ray vision or something?

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