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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9321473 [View]
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Okay let me get this straight. I'm still not seeing any method to your madness, please bear with me. I think you're confusing or legitimately not understanding the meaning of numerical −∞/+∞ and meaningless shorthand notated recursive number.

So just to backtrack, I insulted you of having "room temperature IQ," in which I meant having numerical IQ of 65~75F all of which are real number.

Then your retort was, quote
>Considering numbers are infinite, so is my IQ (if IQ was real).
So I think what you meant by "infinite" in this sentence above is your incorrect definition of infinite, so you're acknowledging that your IQ is
∞0065.00∞ < (You) < ∞0075.00∞

First this doesn't change the context nor the end result of my insult though, your IQ is still clinically retarded regardless of how many infinite zeros you add onto the both ends 65 and 75.

Secondly you seemed to contradict yourself here >>9321147 and here >>9321354. First you said that "Numbers attempt to equally separate the infinite, but that's impossible because the infinite cannot be separated." But by your own crazy notation ∞0002.000∞, you separated the two infinites so it is possible to separate the infinites.

Third I'm puzzled by your quote >>9321161 "Science is attempting to do this when describing how reality works, but it's an endless search into infinity" which I think meant that all scientific pursuit that involves experimental measurement of real quantifiable number are futile.

Finally >>9321354
>"Real" numbers are also infinite
Is flat out wrong. Numerical infinity −∞/+∞ are not a real number. Which begs the question, of which there is a yes/no answer, "do you believe that real number exists??"

I feel bad suggesting you to review highschool algebra on my post describing EOF. I think you should review your grade 8 math first,

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