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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3445683 [View]
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Ladies and Gentlemen of the /sci/ Message Board.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eric Love, I am the Virginity Rules Abstinence Manager. Now some of you may laugh and say that Abstinence is only for losers, but I've uploaded my picture (see pic on left) to show you that that is ANYTHING but true.. Both myself and my lovely wife Lynda accepted God's challenge to preserve our most precious gift until our wedding night. And let me tell you IT WAS WORTH IT. The pleasure we both shared that night was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I don't want to go into any graphic detail here, not gonna make anybody take a cold shower *laughs* but we are both very glad we saved our virginity until that night.

Now I remember being young, believe me, I understand the pressures that surround you guys. Even on this find message board, I'll bet you get it. What's important to remember is that those who have had sex before marriage will do the devil's work in trying to pull you down. You know the phrase "misery loves company"? Well that's what's at play here when someone starts making fun of you just because you're 22 and haven't "knocked the boots" yet. Now God loves all of his children, even the ones who are hellbound and under Satan's influence, but while he may love the sinner, I can assure you he has no love for the sin.

I'm going to make a challenge to you men of 4chan and especially those of you here on the /sci/ message board. Post in this thread with your email address and we'll send you your official membership to Virginity Rules. In doing so, you'll be signing the following pledge:

I pledge to be loyal to myself, my family, my God, and my future spouse. I will not engage in any carnal or lustful activities until I am married. I will stay away from pornography and any other of the devils tools to keep my soul in spiritual bondage. VIRGINITY RULES!!!

thank you, and best of luck in this challenge.

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