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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7938392 [View]
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For Cambridge, where you need perfect A levels to get in to any subject (except you do extra tests to get in to maths), I've read that if you do badly at maths, they make you switch to physics or CS.

Obviously most of the pure autists pick maths, and the fact that an autist picks physics instead of maths doesn't make him dumber. But does doing maths give you such intellectual anal devastation that other subjects become easier by comparison?

Also should I feel intellectually inferior to people who do maths (I do chemeng)? What about if they do applied maths and it's a few years after uni? Did they learn random **** that they won't care about after exams, or did they learn the secrets of the universe?

I mean there's a lecturer in my uni (mid tier) that did maths at oxford (got a first), got a maths phd somewhere else, and is doing engineering here. I just look at my own curriculum and think wtf can I do that he can't? What's the point of this chemeng ****?

In the end everything boils down to problem solving and stamp collecting, and it sure as hell would have been better to build the tools (maths degree) rather than collect the stamps.

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