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>> No.12685452 [View]
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Psychiatry continues unabated as a method of abuse for doctors, big pharma and the government
Thankfully, there are alternatives however limited https://breggin.com/video-series/

How do you justify psychiatry if there are alternatives to forced treatment?

>> No.12656276 [View]
File: 162 KB, 640x900, ZsLhWPj5r3zOMV2ESqW-nTsq3_L3qwj17hYQguRZqxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new, 'fag'

succinctly put, almost didnt notice

I just emailed Joe Brogan with an essay about the evils of psychiatry, some examples and name dropped some prominent anti-psychiatry psychiatrists

email him if you care, get him to do a podcast where he talks about the evils the uighurs are going through and how its just antipsychotics keeping them docile (how is this not the main point for people right now)

im sick of these threads that go nowhere, shills making sure they can keep shilling, schizos shouting into the void.
(ive met people who are genuinely psychotic and the drugs are just bandaids, as much as the sentiment is appreciated, we're not talking about those who ACTUALLY need help, we're talking about average joes who get lobomotized against their will)

do something proactive if you dont want to see humanity get pilled into tomatoes.

if we can get youtube clips of him outing big pharma we'll have woken up hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

Rogan for President.

>> No.12644504 [View]
File: 162 KB, 640x900, ZsLhWPj5r3zOMV2ESqW-nTsq3_L3qwj17hYQguRZqxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychiatry is riddled with problems, it's an ongoing cartel pushed by a Big Pharma onto beta fuck doctors and all it does is make sure you comply with society. Like slaves.
Uighurs are being tortured with schizo meds and the best response we have in line with this is "take your meds". not that you're supposed to care. an entire demographic taking their pills so the chinese government can keep them placid.

The golden age of pharmaceuticals is still before us, meds that increase motivation and intelligence are fringe practises whereas doctors seizing your mind with neuroleptics is commonplace.

Doctors aren't the heroes you betas make them out to be and there's nothing that makes you a doctor by shilling meds.
The last 60 years of shilled meds is going to be looked back upon as doctors not washing their hands.
Half these retards pushing meds aren't even aware of what the medications do nor do they explore alternative treatments for schizos. (brainlets guessing how the brain functions, aren't even aware the studies don't produce the same results for mechanisms of the brain)

The day has already come where your wellbeing is sold for profit. Can't get help for motivation? Difficulty coping with your shitty lives?
Eat shills and die out of the way of the environmentally cohesive elites who see you as a quota to be met.

Intellect has long been associated with being mentally ill and none of you average brainlets have ever thought about your place beyond your shithole. Keep thinking you're being protected when another high IQ psychopath gets lobotomized.

You're next, and you'll be happy for it, you goddamn Jerry


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