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>> No.8753214 [View]
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>You faggots are a hivemind incapable of criticizing the central tenets of your faith.

I am staggered by the hypocrisy of this statement. Never before has such a blatant projection of a group's own shortcomings been projected onto another. Creationists are literally the children who shoved their fingers in ears and shouted "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Creationism evidence literally boils down to this book written a few millennia ago and has since been heavily edited, rewritten and translated says that fantastical thing are true, but to believe it or you'll burn for all time in another dimension after you die. If you do what the book says, then you go to the good dimension. Creationists are the people who are afraid of a universe where humanity has no purpose or direction except for what it gives itself, so they believe that there is a God, God is good, and that humanity is his favorite thing and that he will act as a divine safety net. Humanity can't go extinct, and everything humanity does is brought about by divine providence, i.e., the westward expansion of the U.S. under the phrase "Manifest Destiny." Creationists are the people who cannot handle the stark truth of reality, that humanity can and will eventually be extinguished.

Whereas for evolution, it boils down to the idea that animals change over time, based on a set of observed (recorded and thoroughly tested) mechanisms. It is literally the idea that living things change over time, which we can actually observe in a human lifetime through bacteria, micro-organisms, and even localities such as the Galapagos. It's not the theory of evolution or its mechanisms that you creationists have a problem with, it's the implications of it that get your goat. The idea that humanity, that life, has no identifiable purpose or goal. That things change over time due to external pressures/selectors (environment/other species) and internal mechanisms (mutations/inheritance), rather than springing to life from dust.

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