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>> No.4368476 [View]
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ya. I've seen renormalization in action.
Don't know *why* it works though.

>> No.4280440 [View]
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Yup. And now you know in the end it's

<span class="math">(|c_1|^2+|c_2|^2)l(l+1)\hbar[/spoiler].

And the mixed terms don't contribute.

You should learn TeX though, you'll need it.

>> No.4142115 [View]
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mhm, well what I don't really understand is how you reformulate the whole 2-form business? I mean if you don't use charts etc. what does it mean that it's a set with a symplectic strucure? Maybe I'm missing something, but I just assumed you're throwing something away what symplectic manifolds in diff geo usually have. or don't you? Maybe it just means that you just specify on the topological structures, even if the other things are still there - is it like that?

>> No.3997936 [View]
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what is your background?

>> No.3980003 [View]
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where is your question from?

>> No.3957669 [View]
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btw. is that an Abed reference?

>> No.3863708 [View]
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it doens't really coun't if you have classes covering it but you just think they are not good so you learn from books. I was majorly talking about things that you don't have to learn for a test anyway

ChemE into string theory etc. ...
tell me something I don't know about QFT or string theory then

hello Kate Upton

>> No.3701249 [View]
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where is the problem?
he just moves around algebraic expression, doesn't he?

>> No.3575386 [View]
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>free from laws, regulations, and moral codes.

What if one decides to walk around naked all the time and shits from the wharf?

>> No.3542915 [View]
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you can imagine making b longer in this pic without changing f,c, or d. So no.

What I find strange about this problem is that e_x=d, i.e. there is unneccecaryy information.

use e to find the lowest angle. use it for compute the point above d-c, which is the x-distance of the b-line. the you have to upport points of b and a and you can compute f by making a line through them.

>> No.3531747 [View]
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The point is that that's not only one problem, but >9000 problems at once. But since energy is a additive quantity E=E1+E2+E3... you're able to write down all relevant energy densities of particle physics in one term.

This one line in OPs pic is the Lagrangian L, which is a function of the Hamiltonian H, which is the function which assigns an energy to each specific field configuration.



>> No.3480072 [View]
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okay, I'm off. here is the dick:

Equal[Power[Plus[Power[x, 2], Power[y, 2]], Rational[1, 2]],
Power[Plus[Times[Rational[1, 2], Pi],
ArcTan[Times[Power[x, -1], y]]], 2]]],
Times[Rational[1, 2],
Power[Plus[-2, Times[Rational[1, 2], Pi],
ArcTan[Times[Power[x, -1], y]]], 2]]],
Power[Plus[2, Times[Rational[1, 2], Pi],
ArcTan[Times[Power[x, -1], y]]], 2]]]]]]]

>> No.3471355 [View]
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ah fuck, I made that abortion-example without noticing that there is an abortion thread going on - this question is unrelated.

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