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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14532926 [View]
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>have internship doing materials science shit at very shady aerospace firm in college
>bunch of pajeets running the place, dont know what we actually do, just lots of money coming in
>they ask me to run little experiments and tests
>mixing various ratios of titanium powder with other shit
>they wont spend the money on an actual glove box so they get me glove bag like pic related
>you just put your stuff inside and hook it up to argon
>they keep re-using the same bag for months
>eventually gets torn and they dont tell me
>pouring superfine titanium powder from steel cylinder into steel dish
>drop cylinder and it sparks into the powder
>instantly catches on fire due to hole in bag
>try to pull hands out of bag as it rapidly engulfs itself
>hands get stuck inside, start screaming for help and waving hindenburg glove bag around
>finally sling it off, molten plastic everywhere, grab extinguisher and put out fire
>boss shows up later in the day and asks what that smell is
>sees huge burn mark on floor and melted plastic stuck to everything
>loses his shit and has a pajeet meltdown until he sees my crispy hands
>begs me not to sue and looking back i couldve made a killing

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