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>> No.15436205 [View]
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its called progress

>> No.15342622 [View]
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>> No.15319963 [View]
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that rules out most of everyone, wealth is concentrated in very few hands, everyone else is "impoverished", but somehow or other, many of the poor people are still obese. how do poor people even get fat? shouldn't they be too poor to achieve that?

>> No.15202170 [DELETED]  [View]
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>the big problem with taking money from the old people is that they need to be alive for their retirement funds to be poached.
inflation doesn't care how old or dead you are or aren't, inflation, formerly known as debasement, is ZOG's key method of theft and how they prevent the lower classes from accruing wealth.

>> No.15181615 [View]
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>hahaha the past was so stupid and primitive
>we've progressed to a much better world since then

>> No.15125592 [View]
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>> No.14864526 [View]
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>We unfortunately invented a system of ownership where the right to control the wealth progressively flow only one way.
oh yeah, the goyims are totally responsible for this tragedy, its not like things were doing just fine half a century ago before diversity reared its hideous noggin and ruined everything. history has been progressing towards this inevitable hellish end since before the dawn of recorded history, nobody could have prevented it, there has never been real positive societal progress before (((diversity))) took over, the was all inevitable, but also the goyims did it, they're at fault, jews are innocent.

>> No.14856396 [View]
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>> No.14762084 [DELETED]  [View]
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Everyone would be getting payed better if…

>> No.14691633 [View]
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>> No.14674433 [View]
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what if 99% of the world's population already lived at sustenance level and global warming was occurring regardless?

>> No.14671723 [View]
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>> No.14492396 [View]
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pay up goy, its for "science"

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