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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15970400 [View]
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answer this or else!

>> No.12239074 [View]
File: 20 KB, 403x392, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to stay angry about space when it demands so much bloody patience.

>> No.11801130 [View]
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you dun fucked up kid

>> No.11328896 [View]
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>> No.11228034 [DELETED]  [View]
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When did this board turn into a schizo haven? Jannies do your jobs.

>> No.11187940 [View]
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Did I stutter?

>> No.10660850 [View]
File: 20 KB, 403x392, 2E5F6D85-3246-4042-9E37-B4C08780D08F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete those posts now. I will give you 12 hours

>> No.10414773 [View]
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My gun in your mouth

>> No.9375390 [View]
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Oh look, its this thread. AGAIN.

The same thread we've had everyday for the past 10 years.

And Oh look! The same replies, AGAIN, the same ones we've had everyday FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS

Sage, Report and hide.

>> No.9347644 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hello /sci/, I go to beverly hills high school, in the prestigious neighbourhood of beverly hills per say, but alas, I have a problem.

I normally wouldn't tell normal people who I was or I was here, but I have a problem.

What do you do if you're getting bullied by the son of a celebrity?
How the fuck do celebrity children go around making other peoples lives hell?
There is no way in hell this shit should be legal.
I'm not talking about name calling either, I mean extreme stuff.

What the hell can I do about this?

>> No.9297061 [View]
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Anything lower than 115 is a meme IQ

>> No.9296379 [View]
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>tfw school wanted to advance you but parents didn't

>> No.9285675 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Search Genius on youtube
>Nothing but rap videos with BLACK people on them
>MFW when they are making a mockery of my grandeur and prestige

>> No.9137513 [View]
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Look at my FUCKING Linear Algebra syllabus:

"Class meetings will frequently involve working in small groups on challenging problems, sharing your progress on these problems
(however tentative), and providing others with questions and comments on their mathematical thinking. Active learning
methods have been shown to strengthen student learning and achievement, foster students' confidence in their ability to do
mathematics, and increase the diversity of the mathematical community (http://www.cbmsweb.org/Statements/Active_Learning_Statement.pdf).). It is
your responsibility as a learner and as a class member to participate, rather than being just a passive observer or note-taker. In
addition to working together in class, you are encouraged to find study partners or to form study groups outside of class."

Are you fucking kidding me? Just teach me the definitions and theorems and let me prove in peace. We spent 15 minutes today working in groups and writing/explaining our answers on a whiteboard. Fuck this gay as shit.

Q: Are you a dumb engineering freshman?
A: No, this course is for Math majors only whom have already taken a computation-based course in Linear Algebra

Q: Do you go to a brainlet university?
A: I go to a decent state school. I've had outstanding profs before, idk what the fuck this is. The prof is doing research in "mathematical learning" so we're her guinea pigs

>> No.8933276 [View]
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Time to get rid of the old guard.

>> No.8859337 [View]
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stay the fuck away from the physics labs anon

in all seriousness whoever designed your course is gay as fuck

>> No.8757986 [View]
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Well then there would only be one way to ensure the progress of science and technology.

>> No.8669966 [View]
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>go over the division algorithm again

>> No.8616810 [View]
File: 19 KB, 403x392, 8473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study notes for a algebra II-tier test
>everything makes perfect sense to me
>study over notes for a good amount of time to make sure i remember the rules and what to do
>take the test
>don't know what the fuck i'm doing or what to do a lot of the time
>test grade probably would only be okay if i turned it in as is
Guess that I shouldn't major in an engineering field (or any field that's heavy on math)

>> No.8379867 [View]
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