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>> No.16167312 [View]
File: 218 KB, 1024x772, brain-size[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This change in dietary focus in early Homo, which is a clear departure from known diets of other members of the Hominoidea, both fossil and extant, was gradually reflected both in the human brain size (substantial increase) and in the form of the human gut (a shift in gut proportions and overall gut size) as well as features of the dentition (smaller teeth, jaws and muscles of mastication) (3,22). Evidence from the human fossil record, and the archaeological record, suggests a process involving increased dependence on technology and learned skills (manufacture and use of stone tools and hunting implements, techniques of food preparation) as well as social skills (cooperative hunting, division of labor, food sharing, a long period of offspring provisioning) that probably took place over a period of 2.5 million or more years
>Another important aspect of ASF in the diet of human ancestors concerns the increasing importance, as human evolution progressed, of high quality, volumetrically concentrated foods for small children. E. O. Wilson has hypothesized that for more than two million years (until ~250,000 y ago), the human brain grew by a tablespoon every 100,000 y (47). The brain currently makes up 17% of a newborn human infant's weight and 75% of the weight of the four major organs combined (brain, liver, heart, kidney) (48). During the first year of life, while traditionally an infant is breastfed, the brain grows rapidly, after which its growth rate decreases

>> No.15901482 [View]
File: 218 KB, 1024x772, brain-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i attack you personally I will win the argument

dumb people are winning

>> No.15550684 [View]
File: 218 KB, 1024x772, brain-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree
what is EUgenic and DYSgenic is subjective. Obviously the traits that get transferred more often to the next generation are advantageous in one way or another. In the current civilizational setting intelligence is transferred less often which is why people are getting dumber. Not quickly, but slowly we are getting dumber. Not like smart people aren't allowed to breed but comparatively dumber people just breed more often. This is just a fact. People are getting dumber and have been for thousands of years now.

The solution is to reverse the trend. If we were to slowly get smarter again the problem is fixed. Many people think this means 'hey let's do eugenics by killing and castrating'. This will never work and is unnecessary. All you have to do is have smart people breed slightly more often than dumb people.
>but what is smarts
It doesn't really matter how it's defined. It's a cluster of characteristics. IQ, being good at math, science. Sometimes a 110 IQ person if they work hard can easily outshine some 130 mental midget in a rigorous intellectual field. Hard work is a positive trait.
Being dumb doesn't have a definition either and yet people are just getting dumber and dumber. Definitions are irrelevant.
So how to do eugenics? You don't even need to do laws
No real law changes are necessary, no major changes to our society, no civil strife is necessary.
It's all a matter of culture.

You have to spread two types of awareness/messages.

>first awareness/message
EVERYBODY must know from the age of 3 and have it ingrained into their internal psyche that dumb people are inferior. You don't want to be dumb. You don't want your kids to be dumb. Dumb people are ugly, unattractive. Promote this in hollywood movies. Make the smart nerd sexy.
Bully the dumbest kid in class, make them internalize their inferiority.
>second awareness/message
Simply tell people the truth. Intelligence is largely genetic. Put that shit in ads.

>> No.12771805 [View]
File: 219 KB, 1024x772, external-content.duckduckgo.com2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become carnivore millions of years ago
>brain size increases exponentially
>abruptly stops 7-15 thousand years ago with the invention of plant agriculture
>average height and brain size drops like a rock
>never seen before polygamy and degeneracy explodes
>hUmAnS aRe vEgAnZ!

>> No.12771217 [View]
File: 219 KB, 1024x772, external-content.duckduckgo.com2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become carnivore millions of years ago
>brain size increases exponentially
>abruptly stops 7-15 thousand years ago with the invention of agriculture
>average height and brain size drops
>never seen before polygamy and degeneracy explodes
>hUmAnS aRe vEgAnZ!

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