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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9571535 [View]
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>> No.9349782 [View]
File: 456 KB, 1024x1024, PuppisAWebGoldman1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a story about how to deal with useless group members
>be in introductory lab course
>one of the labs involves doing a group presentation
>3 other group members besides me. we have two meetings
>one group member blows off both meetings
>in the second meeting, project was finished
>set up group meeting a couple days beforehand to run through the presentation
>mr. no show decides to actually come
>I tell him I told the lab instructor that he didn't come to any of our meetings and did no work, and that the instructor told me he would give him a 0 if me and the other group members agreed
>in a previous meeting we had already reached this consensus about mr. no show
>mr. no show is on the verge of tears in a public place, barely manages to hold them back
>I say "I feel bad, ok maybe you can present with us anyways. Whatever"
> we give the presentation, our group got the highest mark in the lab section. feels good man
>mr. no show is ecstatic and acting like an arrogant prick while other people are giving their presentations
>however, doesn't show up to the next labs, or the class itself from then on
Apparently the lab head caught wind of his lack of contributions and he ended up getting a 0 and dropping the class.

All you need to do is tell the prof/lab instructor that they didn't do shit, and that everyone else in the group agrees. Have a spine and stop giving these kinds of people a free ride. They don't deserve it.

>> No.9269000 [View]
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someone i find physically attracted with whom i share most of my values. ideally someone who is also school-oriented.

>> No.9222246 [View]
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biology majors are terrible at math, didn't you know?
There are good exams and bad exams. At the lower levels, questions should be more about basic application of a concept, and as you progress through a degree, the basic application becomes assumed knowledge and you need to be more concerned with being able to think through a complex problem.

So yeah, in first year classes, particularly in subjects like biology and chemistry, and probably the first few second year classes one will take, there will be a great deal of memorization in some cases. But seriously, memorization isn't difficult. You just need to write shit over and over until you don't need to think to recall it.

I don't know anything about biochemistry, but even I could see the use in memorizing a bunch of functional groups, for instance. Then you know them when you need them for a problem. Like, imagine wanting to be a pastry chef and not remembering the recipe/process of baking a simple pie. Memorizing some concept in a chem class is probably about the same difficulty.

In short, you're forced to "memorize" concepts at the lower levels so you can grasp higher level concepts faster without having to refer back to a book constantly. And when you take the time to actually memorize the shit, you're developing discipline and good study habits that will come in handy when your classes actually become difficult concept-wise.

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