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>> No.1744639 [View]
File: 17 KB, 255x225, al_gore_fred_phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

1. Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church ran as a DEMOCRAT for governor of Kansas twice.

2. The Westboro Baptist Church has always voted for, endorsed, campaigned for, and donated money to the DEMOCRATS.

3. They routinely criticize conservatives, Fox News, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and virtually every Republican there is.

4. They were good friends with Al Gore (see image) in the 80's and routinely held fundraisers for him when he authored anti-gay legislation. When he softened his position in the 90's they cut ties with him, labeling him a "conservative darling" and a "fag pimp".

5. The only form of hate speech they do not condone is racism, they go out of their way to attack that, as their background is as civil rights attorneys.

6. They protest the funerals of dead soldiers, and memorials of astronauts. Things which have nothing to do with homosexuals, but are pro-American symbols, and they have stated in no uncertain terms they hate and despise this country.

They're liberals. Those are the facts. Look it up. You were wrong, like you always are, because you're a fucking idiot, and you've just demonstrated clearly you don't know shit about a god damned thing. Now keep your stupid fucking mouth shut, and don't ever open it again dumbass.

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