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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.2183046 [View]
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>mfw science is an ideology

Science is a process and the scientific method is a way of thinking specifically intended to filter out bias and error when properly utilized

>mfw science is disgusting instrumental reason which cannot tell you whether justice and freedom are better than injustice and oppression

Science tells us the most accurate information we can have about the universe at the time. One of those subjects happens to be human psychology and neurology. Science doesn't TELL you which is better because science isn't dogmatic or authoritarian. Pretty hilarious coming from you, hipster scum.

>mfw the value of science in society is either positive or negative according to its role in economy

mfw when you don't understand the importance of science and look at it through the eyes of the society and economy that you hate. If the progress of science was free from economic partitioning and had unlimited funding, then I'm 100% sure your retarded opinion would change.

>mfw science is just a hegemonic tool of domination over man and nature by the executive committee of the high bourgeouis class

mfw science is just a tool. You can use a hammer to build something to help people, or you can use it bash their skull in. Stop being a faggot.

>mfw I'm glad I majored in Philosophy and developed as a Human being rather than alienating myself from Being by engaging in the abstract, narrow-minded dogmatism of "science" and technology

mfw you failed to realize the importance of science. If you hate science so much, then get off the internet, throw away your computer, stop taking medicine and go back to living in a tree without the use of even simple stone tools.

mfw your just an unappreciative brat

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